Ans. Anyone who has thelink to your profilecan view your Discord profile. If yourprofile is public, anyone can view your profile without needing the link. Additionally, anyone who ison thesame serveras you can view your profile either by clicking on your name in the member list or by sear...
and history lookups, which provide more detailed information. AbasicWHOIS lookup will only show you the domain’s current status, where it’s registered, what server it’s pointed at, and other relevant information tied to where it stands currently. A WHOIShistorylookup, meanwhile, will ...
Discord doesn’t have an option to save chat natively. But we can use third-party tools to export the Discord chat history. You can export chats both from the direct messages and server chats. There is also a way to export specific messages, so no need to export the entire chat. Most ...
Before Discord, we never knew what it was like to have a messaging service permanently store our conversation history in the cloud. To locally store running logs on AIM or MSN, you’d need some sort of a third-party plugin. On Skype, text logs are now kept in the cloud for just 30 ...
Subscribe to ournewsletterfor more articles and guide on Ethereum. If you have any feedback, please feel free to reach out to us viaTwitter, and you can always chat with us if you have a question via our community server onDiscord; thanks :) ...
We've learned about JWTs and how to enable it on your blockchain node with QuickNode. Subscribe to our newsletter for more articles and guides on Ethereum. If you have any feedback, feel free to reach out to us via Twitter. You can always chat with us on ou...
One of the main reasons for Discord’s popularity is its user-friendly interface. The app is very easy to use and has a ton of features that make it perfect for online communication. For example, you can easily create server channels, set up roles and permissions, add bots, and more. ...
Go to theDiscordtab and select a server. You can tell if a server has an on-going voice channel if avatars appear next to the server's name. Select the voice channel you want to join, and selectJoin. When you want to view your on-going Discord voice chat or change its settings, se...
Over the past few years, Discord has managed to evolve from its gamer-centric user base and attract people of multi-faceted backgrounds. How Discord
Learn how to add, use, and manage Discord soundboard sounds to improve your voice chats. Custom audio clips to make your conversations fun.