How to prune lilac bushes and when. Pruning Lilacs at the right time. Learn how to prune lilac bushes for shape and to rejuvenate the bush.
Lilacs are a popular flowering bush grown in many parts of the world, including the United States. Native to Asia and Europe, these perennial flowers come in a wide array of colors such as lilac, white, blue and pink. According to North Dakota State University, germinating lilac seeds is a...
After your lilac bush has finished blooming, spread some lime and well-rotted manure around the base. Trim the bush to shape it and remove suckers at the same time. How to Prune Lilacs: Pruning Lilacs Lilacs bloom on old wood, so it’s critical to prune in the springright after they b...
Pine needles make an excellent mulch for azaleas because they add acidity to the soil as they break down. Pruning: Azaleas look best when they are allowed to keep their natural shape and size. Prune azaleas just after flowering. Cut back errant branches and shape as needed. This is also...
Ceanothus, or ‘California Lilac’, is a beautiful and eye-catching perennial shrub. The vivid and prolific blooms are usually blue, but white and pink varieties are available too. This large bush is easy to grow in the UK – read on for everything you need to know about growing this ...
Lilacs are a low-maintenance shrub that are grown for their longevity, ease of care, privacy screening and abundance of full springtime blossoms. Though "lilac" brings to mind a light purple color, the lilac flower comes in many shades from white to dark
Lilac borer is a typical pest that can appear on a lilac bush. Infection can be recognized on brown leaves in May. This is the most common lilac aggressor and is typically found on older branches first. Adult borers are wasp-like moths with clear wings and red heads, while larvae are wh...
So let’s get caught up on how to plant lilacs. At the end of the post, look for our recommendations on where you can order lilac bushes, including harder to find varieties, online! Lilac Bush Care Where to Plant a Lilac Plant lilac bushes in a hole dug approximately twice as large ...
To remove a bush or shrub, dig out from the base of the plant, including the roots, and be prepared to remove an extensive root system on large, old shrubs. Be sure to correct any environmental issues if possible; if not, put the new shrub in a better spot. Then be sure to stay ...
Japanese beetles feed on a wide variety of flowers and crops (the adult beetles attack more than 300 different kinds of plants), but in terms of garden plants, they are especially common on roses, as well as beans, grapes, and raspberries. Here’s what to look out for: Unhealthy, Brown...