Summer lilac is often used to refer to butterfly bushes, especially those types that are sterile and non-invasive.PLANTING LILACSPlanting Bloomerang® Reblooming Lilacs When to plant: Lilacs can be planted in early spring after the ground thaws or in fall before it freezes....
How to prune lilac bushes and when. Pruning Lilacs at the right time. Learn how to prune lilac bushes for shape and to rejuvenate the bush.
To improve the flowering of lilacs, keep the grass from growing around them. A 16- to 24-inch circle of landscape cloth placed around the bushes and covered with bark or stone will keep the grass down. Force a winter bouquet from cut branches of lilac. Bruise the cut ends and set them...
When beetles are most abundant on roses, nip the buds and spray the bushes to protect the leaves. When the beetles become scarce, let the bushes bloom again. Timeliness and thoroughness of application are very important. Begin treatment as soon as beetles appear, before damage is done. For...
Some lilac bushes respond to transplanting by not blooming the following spring; by transplanting when the bush is dormant, you minimize this risk. In the spring, the rhododendron shrub displays large blooms in white, yellow or shades of pink or lavender. Growing from 3 to 8 feet tall and ...
So let’s get caught up on how to plant lilacs. At the end of the post, look for our recommendations on where you can order lilac bushes, including harder to find varieties, online! Lilac Bush Care Where to Plant a Lilac Plant lilac bushes in a hole dug approximately twice as large ...
Pruning shrubs is not like taking a hedge trimmer to the bushes in the front yard. Dealing with a densely branched plant can be intimidating, but if you take your time and use the proper tools and cuts, you’ll get the job done. There are several pruning cuts you’ll need to be awar...
Hint: Remove dead blooms in spring/early summer but wait to cut peony bushes to the ground until after the first frost. For longer lasting blooms, cut peonies before they fully bloom and when buds feel like squishy marshmallows! To prevent flopping, add a peony ring soon after it starts ...
If your rose starts to wilt or look old shortly after you have moved it into its vase, fear not. There may be an air bubble trapped somewhere in the stem, preventing vital nutrition from being drawn up the plant. Check for injuries to the stem that are above the water line. If you ...
Use this same technique every year as new growth starts to appear. Water until plants show steady new growth. Starting From Seed Most lavender is grown from cuttings, which helps get a plant true in characteristics to the parent plant. That's why most gardeners plant from transplants rather...