Discover how to get rid of gophers quickly and effectively. Implement step-by-step instructions or ask Experts your questions.
The key to effective gopher trapping is to properly locate main tunnels and then correctly place the traps within the tunnels. Traps are most effective when they are placed in pairs in opposite directions in main tunnels as they will intercept gophers coming from either direction. In addition to...
The underground tunnels can divert irrigation, and a gophers gnawing or feeding canquickly wipe out a gardenor destroy underground tubing such as irrigation lines or wiring. Trapping pocket gophers is one of the easiest and most effective ways to get rid of gophers without the use of harmful ...
Watch where the bees are most active during the height of the day. Locate the tunnels that are being used by the bees. If you don't see any bees hovering about, look for signs of activity, such as the light sprinkling of sawdust from the opening of a tunnel or excrement along the si...