If you live out in the stick of the Midwest as I do, one of the many pests you may run into is gophers. You typically do not see gophers in your yard because they spend most of their time underground. But you do see the dirt they have dug out to make their tunnels. These show...
The underground tunnels can divert irrigation, and a gophers gnawing or feeding canquickly wipe out a gardenor destroy underground tubing such as irrigation lines or wiring. Trapping pocket gophers is one of the easiest and most effective ways to get rid of gophers without the use of harmful ...
Discover how to get rid of gophers quickly and effectively. Implement step-by-step instructions or ask Experts your questions.
Gophers have voracious appetites and can steal a favorite vegetable or decorative plant while you watch. The networks of tunnels that gophers and moles dig can undermine your garden or lawn. Of the various eradication methods used, some are dangerous, some cruel and some simply ineffective. Perh...
Mole runways may vary from 1” to 2,” but seldom over 2.” Gopher Gophers are active throughout the year and fresh workings may be found in any month. A gopher will dig up to 7 or 8 tunnels which may extend as much as 800 feet each. Most of the tunneling activity can be seen...
Groundhogs leave telltale holes across the landscape, with each hard-to-miss tunnel entrance 6 to 12 inches wide. They usually dig several entrances to their tunnels. Groundhogs Cause Damage Groundhogs can easily decimate a garden by munching on anything they find tasty, such as melons, peas...
This vole activity is sometimes blamed on moles, but moles do not construct surface runways through the grass, but dig a network of tunnels beneath the soil surface. Pocket Gopher Control Pocket Gopher Recommended Pocket Gopher Bait Products: Victor Poison Mole Worms Kaput Mole Bait Talpir...
), the star-nosed mole (Condylura cristata) and the hairy-tailed mole (Parascalops breweri). Unlike other burrowing pests like gophers and voles, moles are territorial and prefer to live alone, but even a solitary mole can deface the lawn with molehills and undermine it with tunnels....
Or at least somehow be contained in my yard. The dang pocket gophers have turned my yard into swiss cheese this year. If you go out into the wrong part of the yard while it's raining hard, you could be sucked down into the great down-under! Tunnels & holes everywhere. A good team...
Instead of tossing your cat litter or your dog's poop into the trash, put it into the gopher tunnels instead. You won't need a lot; one or two droppings will be enough. Cats and dogs are gopher predators. When gophers smell the poop, they'll think that a predator is nearby. 2 ...