With a lot of students I talk to, I see a kind of defeatist mentality that like," Oh, as long as I just get through this, then suddenly I'll become a doctor five years down the line and then it will all be worth it." It's like this thing that Muhammad Ali famously once said ...
Another great way to keep focused while studying is to regularly remind yourself of all the work you’ve completed so far. Often, studying, especially at the start of a long stint of revision, can feel like a huge feat. However, if you can monitor your progress as you go, and keep a...
Even top-performing students with ninja-level self-discipline struggle to stay focused while studying. The difference, however, is that they havedeveloped the right study habitsthat not only get them in their chairs to study butkeepthem there too. What’s their secret? How can you better conce...
Contrary to popular belief[1], short distractions as well as switching tasks and paying attention to a small variety of information is good for maintaining focus for a long time. When we choose just one type of task and monotonously focus on it for a while, we get habituated (unresponsive)...
If you're studying intently, you're going to get thirsty. Grab a beveragebeforeyou open the book. You may even need a power snack while you're working, so grab somebrain food, too. Use the bathroom, put on comfortable clothes (but nottoocozy), and set the air/heat to the temperatur...
What I do tostay focusedis keep a diary with me. I have written all my study goals and priorities in it and when I have spare time (while waiting for the train or travelling and before going to bed) I take a thorough look at them. You could do the same, or even paste some poste...
studying, or break for 15 minutes every hour. Use a timer to keep track of your study and break times. Start with the most intimidating studying tasks first to get them out of the way. When you're scheduling study time, think about what time of day you feel most energized and focused...
Liveyourlegend.net That is it. Feel free to comment if you have any further questions and I will try to get back at you as soon as possible. What are your tricks to stay focused while studying? Let us know in the comment section below....
This is the most important aspect of concentration. Unless you like what you are doing, it is not possible to focus on that task. Hence, you have to take interest in what you are studying. You can start with your favorite subject and move on to difficult ones, once you get...
One way to stay motivated while learning online is tofind a study partner who is also taking the same course as you. This person can be someone you know in real life or someone you meet online. Studying with someone else will help to keep you accountable and on track. Additionally,having...