There are so many neat tricks to keep your produce fresh. Try some of these to save money and prevent waste. Water Most produce loses life when it loses water. You can keep your produce fresher longer by using water to keep it alive. Vegetables like asparagus and kale store well in jars...
The root cellar (or that bin in your pantry) is no longer the best home for an onion after it’s been sliced or diced. It’s important to refrigerate onions after cutting in order to make sure that they stay fresh for your next recipe. However, you don’t want to just toss an oni...
The paper towel will absorb excess water and pull it away from the leeks, which helps them stay fresh and crisp. If the paper towel is soaked through after a day or two in the fridge, you may want to replace it to keep the leeks fresher longer. Store leeks in the refrigerator for up...
Pineapples should be eaten soon after they're bought. If you need to store them, store them in the refrigerator; they'll keep longer. Pineapple Rounds Are a Terrific Treat for Kids My father would slice the pineapple in rounds, giving each of us forks to spear our own round in the tou...
Here's how to make nachos with our favorite easy recipe, including how to make it healthy, the best toppings, and what kind of cheese to use on them.
For information on how to prevent eye irratation when working with onions, seeTearing Tips. If using only half an onion, use the top half and store the root end. The root end will stay fresh for a longer period of time. To remove the onion odor from your hands, rub a piece of lem...
Shelled peas will keep for one week in the refrigerator. Shelled peas not used immediately should be cooled as quickly as possible to 32ºF (0°C) to prevent the conversion of sugars to starch. Dried peas can be stored in a cool, dry place for 10 to 12 months. Refrigerate peas in ...
2 fresh mint leaves 1 cup coconut water, chilled #3 Brain Boost Juice With a light kick of caffeine and brain-boosting blueberries, you’ll get your brain stimulated and ready to take on tough tasks.5The chia seeds give you heart healthy omega-3s and gel up in the drink, making it re...
Fresh raw chicken wings on a white cutting board with thyme, chili, salt, pepper, and garlic. So, if you’re looking for an easy way to enjoy some tasty chicken wings, then keep reading. I’m going to show youhow to cut chicken wingsin easy steps. Let’s get started!
As I said above, I had trouble finding fresh beets so I just used a can. This 15 oz can contained roughly 1 cup cut up beets to 3/4 cup liquid so I used water to make up the difference. Carrots Carefully grate all of the carrots into small pieces. Graters are super sharp so ...