Use this Arduino flow rate sensor with a solenoid valve to monitor and control the water used. You can use it in your gardening system, or interface it with an LCD display for other applications that require you to measure water flow rate and quantity. Have fun with your new Arduino flow...
Circuit diagram to interface BMP280 with Arduino: The circuit diagram to connect theArduino with the BMP280sensor and the LCD is shown below. If you are completely new to Arduino and LCD, then you can check thisArduino LCD tutorialto understand how to use Arduino with LCD displays. The VC...
The MQ-3 Sensor is popular among novices since it is used in mostArduino projects to detect Alcohol. These are also low-cost, simple-to-use sensors with a wide detecting range that may be narrowed to change sensitivity. The MQ-3 Sensor's component marks are shown below. The MQ-3 Alcoho...
A wide range of sensor options exists for Arduino which allows us to gather environmental data and interact with the physical world. Each of these sensors has a different purpose and can be integrated with an Arduino board to get real-time data. By knowing all the sensors, we can design mu...
A collection of bare-bones examples to get various sensors working on Arduino microcontrollers. In some cases, I find the examples that come with different libraries can be simplified, so I write my own versions to do so. Links back to the original library are included in the header for eac...
The NewPing library also makes it easy to interface with ultrasonic sensors while using only 1 I/O pin. This can be handy if you have very few I/O pins available or if you want to use a 3 pin ultrasonic sensor like theParallax Ping. ...
To interface different sensors or devices with Arduino boards there are libraries used in the Arduino code that helps the microcontroller to recognize the devices attached with it. Moreover, libraries enhance the functionality of the Arduino boards in such a way that some extra functions can be pe...
Arduino Mega The Arduino Mega is perfect for projects requiring a lot of input/output pins, for instance more complicated robots, 3D printers, and other sizable automation tasks. When you need to interact with a lot of sensors or other devices, or when you need to control a lot of differen...
How Arduino Reads Temperature There are several ways to read temperature with an Arduino. A few of these include: Sign up By signing up I confirm I have read Envato's Privacy Policy. I2C or Serial Sensors –There are advanced sensor modules that often can measure barometric pressure, tempe...
lcd.begin(16,2);// Initializes the interface to the LCD screen, and specifies the dimensions (width and height) of the display }}voidloop(){ lcd.print("Arduino");// Prints "Arduino" on the LCDdelay(3000);// 3 seconds delaylcd.setCursor(2,1);// Sets the location at which subseque...