Like any other temperature sensor, it can be used for many different applications, mainly you can use it to measure body temperature of an object, and also it can measure ambient temperature. Is LM35 a thermistor? Thermistors have some benefits over other kinds of temperature sensors such as ...
Here at Seeed, we have a couple of IMU sensors for you to choose from, ranging from 9DOF to 10DOF option. All applicable for microcontroller usage and Grove Compatible! GroveCompatible? Grove system is Seeed’s very own initiative, mainly aimed at helping users like yourself to easily us...
Color sensors can detect and measure the visible color of an object. They typically use an array of photodiodes or phototransistors to sense the intensity of red, green, and blue light reflected or transmitted by an object. By analyzing the RGB (red, green, blue) values, the sensor outputs...
Introduction to Sensors & Actuators In the tutorials in this series, you will learn how to use an LED and a button, and then go straight into learning how to use several popular and very useful sensors. So, you are eager to experiment with your Arduino and some of the most commonly use...
How Capacitive Sensors work How to use them with an Arduino How to implement them in 3 Arduino projects, that are included in this Instructable How to use the CapSense library- which is used in the first two projects. I've also included the demo code and it's explanation for the CapSense...,it%20clockwise%20decreases%20the%20range....
The MQ-3 Sensor is popular among novices since it is used in mostArduino projects to detect Alcohol. These are also low-cost, simple-to-use sensors with a wide detecting range that may be narrowed to change sensitivity. The MQ-3 Sensor's component marks are shown below. ...
Use your android phone sensors on the arduino !Rico, Jonathan
In this case, we need this set to it HIGH, as the HC-SR04 sensors sets the Echo pin to High after sending the 8 cycle ultrasonic burst from the transmitter. This actually starts the timing and once we receive the reflected sound wave the Echo pin will go to Low which stops the timing...
You can use DHT22 sensor instead of DHT11 sensor. Or you can buy the following sensor kits: 1 × DIYables Sensor Kit (30 sensors/displays) 1 × DIYables Sensor Kit (18 sensors/displays) Please note: These are Amazon affiliate links. If you buy the components through these links, ...