On your Pstv run Vitashell and use whatever method you use to copy vpk’s over. This method requires you to run the whitelist app on every boot, but once you run it all games will be playable on the Pstv. Download the vpk file at the bottom and copy it to your Pstv and install it...
On the black screen menu, navigate to and select “Install henkaku” and press the X button. Once that is done, do the same for “Install VitaDeploy”. Once done, navigate down to “Exit and mount sd2vita to ux0” and press the X button Don’t forget to insert the SD2Vita adapter...
1.22. An SD2Vita adapter 1.2.1SD2Vita 5.0 1.2.2SD2Vita 3.0 1.33. A micro SD Card (SD2Vita supports up to 256 GB) 2How to set up SD2Vita Tutorial Instructions 2.1Part 1. Format your micro SD card 2.2Part 2. Install the StorageMgr plugin on your PS Vita ...
A step by step beginners guide w/ pics on how to mod/hack the PS Vita & TV, use a microSD card/SD2Vita as a memory card, install games, and install emulators.