Downloads: 134960 VitaShell is an alternative replacement of the PS Vita's LiveArea. It offers you a file manager, package installer, built-in FTP and much more. This homebrew was an entry of the Revitalize PS Vita homebrew competition and won the first prize. HENkaku's molecularShell is als...
VitaShell is an alternative replacement of the PS Vita's LiveArea. It offers you a file manager, package installer, built-in FTP and much more. This homebrew was an entry of the Revitalize PS Vita homebrew competition and won the first prize. HENkaku's molecularShell is also based on VitaShe...
VitaShell is an alternative replacement of the PS Vita's LiveArea. It offers you a file manager, package installer, built-in FTP and much more. This homebrew was an entry of the Revitalize PS Vita homebrew competition and won the first prize. HENkaku's molecularShell is also based on VitaShe...
In VitaShell, go toux0:->/vpk/then highlight the.vpkand press[Cross]to install it and confirm the extended permissions prompt Close VitaShell when the installation is complete to find your bubble in the LiveArea TheVita Homebrew Browseris a large repository for homebrew apps that can be easil...
求助 关于vitas..求助 关于vitashell的usb模式 psv上显示连接成功 电脑却没有反应 看设备管理 说ps vita type a驱动无法安装 怎么办 谢谢
上面这些删除操作尽量将TF卡从psv掌机上取出,并插入电脑进行删除操作,不要用FTP或者VitaShell 来进行删除操作。 PS Vita Retro Ultimate LITE整合包安装使用方法 1. “PS Vita Retro Ultimate LITE Version 3.0-CrazyMac”的整合包解压缩后,将解压缩后,文件夹里面的RetroArch.vpk文件拷贝到TF卡根目录。
Both PS4 & PS Vita need to be hacked/jailbroken. Firmware doesn't matter, game versions don't matter either. For PS4: Apollo Save Tool For PS Vita: VitaShell Games need to follow the same or similar structure on both platforms (PS4 / Vita)...
(cmd), 空格键,在把游戏的pkg也拉进去命令提示符(cmd),空格键,然后开一个新的文件夹也把它来进去, 接下输入 -key=8F4A1A7291FC3B5D34F0D0E52C253A72 ,然后按 ENTER ,等它运转完成,然后就去到你刚才开的新文件夹把游戏拷贝去ps vita的 ux0:app里面,然后用vitashell, 按三角形, 选refresh live area,...
PS Vita 1000 (Fat) Models require an official Sony Memory Card to install homebrew Wi-Fi or USB Connection You will need a Wi-Fi or USB connection to transfer the install files via FTP or USB with VitaShell Autoplugin You will need to install the Autoplugin app to download the VitaCheat ...
DownloadVitaShelland press X (WiFi must be turned on). Reset taiHen config.txtand press X, and then press X onExit. Step 9: Rejoice! You have now installedHenkakuon your PSVita, but it will disappear if you reset or shut down your Vita. ...