Install SDDM Simple Desktop Display Manager on Fedora: In your terminal run this command to install SDDM Simple Desktop Display Manager on Fedora. sudo dnf install sddm type the y and hit the enter key to confirm the installation when it ask about Is this ok[y/N]: After the installation r...
sudo apt install kde-standard # Installs a minimal KDE setup Install KDE Desktop in Ubuntu During the installation, you will be asked to choose a display manager, which is a program that manages user sessions and allows you to log in. The two main options aregdm3(used byGNOME) andsddm(...
sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get dist-upgrade sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop 选择“sddm”开机界面
$ sudo dnf install sddm Finally, on Arch Linux, we have this command: $ sudo pacman -S sddm Below is a preview of SDDM: Here, we can select a user and enter the password to log in and access the desktop screen. 8. Conclusion Display managers play a vital role in Linux distributions...
$ sudo apt install kde-full # Complete package After running the command, wait for a while to complete the process. Select SDDM During the installation, you will be prompted to select a display manager. To select the display manager, please use the arrow keys and select “sddm”, which is...
sudoaptinstalllxqt During the installation process, you’ll encounter the “Configuring sddm” screen. SDDM (Simple Desktop Display Manager) is the display manager and login screen that LXQt uses. To continue, press the TAB key to highlight<Ok>and press ENTER. ...
sudoaptinstallkali-desktop-kde-y In the given command, the “-y” option is utilized to permit the process to use additional disk space: Upon doing so the package configuration wizard will be shown up on screen. Choose the “sddm” using the “Down” arrow key. Then, press the “OK”...
Install KDE Plasma Desktop in Ubuntu During the installation process, a prompt will appear displaying a message related to configuring the “sddm” display manager. Configure Display Manager Finally, it’s time to select the default display manager for yourUbuntu. Remember that “gdm3” is the di...
In this "How To Install Arch Linux" blog we will cover how to build Arch Linux, what are prerequisites for Arch Linux setup and also at the end we have answered the commonly asked questionsThis operating system (OS) installation steps includes Arch Linux server download, Arch Linux install,...
During the installation process, aconfiguring sddmprompt will appear on the terminal, where you will be provided with multiple display managers to choose from. Simply press theEnterbutton on the current window to move towards the display manager selection: ...