During the installation, you will be asked to choose a display manager, which is a program that manages user sessions and allows you to log in. The two main options aregdm3(used byGNOME) andsddm(used byKDE). Selectsddmfor the best experience withKDE Plasma. Configuring sddm Display Manager...
During the installation, the system prompts you to configure the Simple Desktop Display Manager (SDDM). To ensure optimal performance with KDE Plasma, use SDDM. Press the TAB key to highlight the <Ok> option, then hit ENTER to confirm. Example of warning message for installing SDDM for KDE ...
Then restart your system to see the new SDDM in the login screen. Install LightDM Display Manager on Fedora: In your terminal run this command to install LightDM Display Manager on Fedora. sudo dnf install lightdm when it ask about Is this ok[y/N]:, type y and press enter key to confi...
With SDDM: Configure the Openbox desktop By default, Openbox includes theobconfapplication, which you can use to choose and install themes, modify mouse behavior, set desktop preferences, and do much more. You can probably find other configuration applications, likeobmenu, in your repository to ...
Then, add this line to your i3 config:exec_always --no-startup-id picom -bc Preview image: This was a bit more tricky to do. Instead of the normal picom from Manjaro's repository, I usedpicom-gitfrom the AUR. To configure picom, I copied/etc/xdg/picom.conf.exampleto~/.config...
Configure Display Manager Finally, it’s time to select the default display manager for yourUbuntu. Remember that “gdm3” is the display manager for “GNOME”, while “sddm” is the display manager for “KDE Plasma”. Here, select “sddm” and press “OK”. ...
This will configure PipeWire to activate its PulseAudio replacement daemon. Verify that it's enabled by running:LANG=C pactl info | grep '^Server Name'It should say Server Name: PulseAudio (on PipeWire 0.3.19).To ensure this continues working after a reboot. You will need to "mask" the ...
In the given command, the “-y” option is utilized to permit the process to use additional disk space: Upon doing so the package configuration wizard will be shown up on screen. Choose the “sddm” using the “Down” arrow key. Then, press the “OK” button or hit the “Enter” key...
You can configure GDM directly from the system settings of your distro or the configuration file located at/etc/X11/gdm/gdm.conf. 2. SDDM (Simple Desktop Display Manager) SDDM or Simple Desktop Display Manager has supplanted KDM as the default display manager for all distros running KDE Plasma...
The system will prompt you to configure SDDM (Simple Desktop Display Manager), which is the program that provides the graphical login on a KDE system. PressEnterto proceed. Then, selectsddmfrom the menu and hitEnter. Your package manager will now proceed to download the KDE environment. Note ...