There are two ways by which we can install React Native Elements into the system for use. The first is, using Yarn and the second is, using NPM. Before this, you should have Java JDK, Git or Chocolatey, Node.Js, and an IDE preferably Atom or VS Code in your system, after all thes...
I would debug in VS code both main and render, what is the correct strategy? If I start application by npm start, the application start, but not stop at breakpoints. If I start the application with "Electron: all" configuration, the application starts and say that can't connect to port...
Gulp, Grunt, and other traditional tools to create and bundle the entire app codebase, there is something new for you:ViteJS. This advancedfront-end toolcan refresh the dev server in the blink of an eye and dramatically reduce the development time. ...
You should first familiarise yourself with what exactlypackage.jsonis. In short, it’s the centre point of any Node project. It’s a JSON file that helps to identify your project and manage any dependencies. When it comes to running the React application itself, you should focus on thescrip...
How to run Vue: is there a right way? As you might’ve guessed, there are different ways to run Vue. This is often the case with most SPA frameworks like React and libraries like jQuery, although in the case of Vue this is specially true. When you’re trying to add Vue to a new...
TypeScript in React is a statically typed extension of JavaScript that adds static typing to React applications, enhancing developer productivity and code reliability.
But How does Cross-Platform App Development helps one in saving the cost? The Evolution of React Native: Properties of React Native: Slashed Costs of app development React Native is all about the UX and UI: Easy integration: Easier App Maintenance: Offline Working: Scaling and Availability: Fac...
I installed the new react/CRA version (4). Right now when I have eslint errors the whole page blows and CRA fails to compile. Sometimes I make some small test or debug something in the flow, and don't want CRA to fail the running only be...
Let’s load our first component with Vite. We’ll start with an empty directory and install our dependencies like so: npminit-y# create a package.json with default settingsnpmivitereactreact-dom# add deps for Vite and React We’re using React here, but the process should be similar for...
Now to run it: ▶ docker container run -it -p 3000:3000 react:app yarn run v1.3.2 $ react-scripts start Starting the development server... Compiled successfully! You can now view docker-create-react-app in the browser. Local: http://localhost:3000/ On Your Network: http://172.17....