You can still do that if you want to, but you'll need to make sure the variables in OpenFOAM's bashrc are consistent. I wouldn't suggest that. You can use foamInstall=$HOME/$WM_PROJECT, or, if you really need the version number, use foamInstall=$HOME/$WM_PROJECT$WM_PROJECT...
Hello. I tried to install CGNS 2.5 under windows xp following the steps suggested by CGNS file README, but it was not successful since some errors
To be honest, I have read and tried to install openFAST following to "Building OpenFAST on Windows with CMake and Cygwin 64-bit". However, I have just received Cygwin icon on Desktop, and could not see OpenFAST icon. I am trying to install OpenFAST following your way using "Building Open...
I have to push this to my personal Docker Hub account to aPRIVATE repo. I will try to see if AMD will allow this onour PUBLIC repo. You could skip pushing to Docker Hub if you cannot create a private repo. Then just maintain this container on your local system to u...
OpenFOAM WRF LAMMPS HMMER HPL HPCG Quantum Espresso NAMD (this is still private until I get permission to make it public) Also, expect to soon see a benchmark post looking at AVX512 performance on the surprisingly good AMD Ryzen 7950x!
I had the same issue as well. Anyone found a way to fix it? During OpenFOAM install (shown here:, Step 8 creates a similar alias. Maybe, that is the way to go. I am not sure. ...
hi everyone ansys 19.0 stuck on 95% in the setup (instalation) when i try to install it on ubuntu 18.04 ,when i check the install.err file it say this
How to install CGNS under windows xp? lzgwhy Main CFD Forum 1 January 11, 2011 19:44 can we see foamToTecplot360 data in windows or we should install it in linux? anijdon OpenFOAM 2 January 4, 2011 12:45 Help! Can I install Es-Ice with Starcd in Windows? Deisler Siemens 5 Apr...
Ah and here you go, attached is the proof that you can process a decomposed case with ParaView 3.8.0As long as you open withcase.foamand notcase.OpenFOAM, it will work It's the motorBike tutorial case, which I ran with 2 processors, all in Windows!