You can still do that if you want to, but you'll need to make sure the variables in OpenFOAM's bashrc are consistent. I wouldn't suggest that. You can use foamInstall=$HOME/$WM_PROJECT, or, if you really need the version number, use foamInstall=$HOME/$WM_PROJECT$WM_PROJECT...
My setup is in Windows 10, with Visual Studio 2015, and MinGW as Fortran compiler. Tried to install the standalone Visual Studio solution, yet the .vfproj can't build due to the absence of Fortran compiler in Visual Studio. Even though I have MinGW, I can't manage to link it to Visu...
During OpenFOAM install (shown here:, Step 8 creates a similar alias. Maybe, that is the way to go. I am not sure. Star is usually named Star-CCM+ with a version number attached to it the containing folder. You should be able...
AOCL-libFLAME (LAPACK), AOCL-FFTW and other libs. is not necessary when using Spacksince it is able to pull these AOCL libs as dependencies without having a local install. I will not include it in the container...
OpenFOAM WRF LAMMPS HMMER HPL HPCG Quantum Espresso NAMD (this is still private until I get permission to make it public) Also, expect to soon see a benchmark post looking at AVX512 performance on the surprisingly good AMD Ryzen 7950x!
hi everyone ansys 19.0 stuck on 95% in the setup (instalation) when i try to install it on ubuntu 18.04 ,when i check the install.err file it say this
Posts: 10,981 Blog Entries:45 Rep Power:128 Greetings Vishal, There is more than one ".OpenFOAM" in theparaFoamscriptYou'll have to change them all! edit: Then use: Code: paraFoam -touch to generate the ".foam" file,but onlyif you intend to open it from another ParaView, instead...
1. Download the source code in your client PC and transfer to the server Code: Code: scp -P <port> ~/OpenFOAM-v2012-windows10.tgz <your-user>@XXX.XX.XX.XX:$HOME/ You might not need to specify ...