npm install --save-dev electron-mksnapshot > electron-mksnapshot@1.7.1 install /media/nvidia/Data/VS_Code/vscode-master/node_modules/electron-mksnapshot > node ./download-mksnapshot.js /media/nvidia/Data/VS_Code/vscode-master/node_modules/electron-mksnapshot/download-mksnapshot.js:16 if ...
when running npm i it succeeds without any problem. Steps to Reproduce: git clone run yarn (according to contribution guidelines) vp007-dev changed the title "yarn" command to install modules is not supported when building vs code [Updation of Contributio...
*/functionactivate(context){console.log('Congratulations, your extension "testytest" is now active!');letdisposable=vscode.commands.registerCommand('testytest.helloWorld',function(){vscode.window.showInformationMessage('Hello World from testytest!');});context.subscriptions.push(disposable);}// ... ...
need to get nvm and npm for installation of node. Can somebody please provide a complete guide to what nvm (node version manager) and npm (node package manager) is and how to install nodejs, nvm and npm on your Win10 computer. And I use VScode so how to set it up for...
Note: For more information on how to install NPM modules globally on UNIX systems without resorting to sudo, refer to this guide.BuildFrom a terminal, where you have cloned the vscode repository, execute the following command to run the TypeScript incremental builder:...
I have tested this in VS Code, but it should work the same way in BAS. Prerequisites Install the following npm packages (globally) to your development environment. yarn : npm install -g yarn yoman : npm install -g yo generator-ui5-library : npm install -g generator-ui5-library ...
Step 1: Install ndb to your framework locally using the below command. npm install --save-dev ndb Or Install ndb globally using the below command npm install -g ndb Step 2: Execute your tests with ndb command. If you installed ndb locally execute using below command npx ndb npm run tes...
npm install -D prettier-plugin-astroNow make sure in the VS Code settings you have enabled Editor: Format On Save and Editor: Format On Paste.Then when you save the file or paste code you should see it being formatted.If it doesn’t work, make sure in VS Code you opened the specific...
If you can compile and run the application just fine, then the error occurs because VSCode has a cache that makes it think the Angular modules haven’t been installed yet. If you can’t run the application, then you need to clean yournpm_modules/folder and run a freshnpm installcommand:...
We’ll use a Node.js application to demonstrate the capabilities the Docker plugin adds to VSCode. Let’s create an Express server. mkdirdocker-node cddocker-node npminit-y npminstall--saveexpress touchindex.js Copy We should have a directory tree like this: ...