npm install --save-dev electron-mksnapshot > electron-mksnapshot@1.7.1 install /media/nvidia/Data/VS_Code/vscode-master/node_modules/electron-mksnapshot > node ./download-mksnapshot.js /media/nvidia/Data/VS_Code/vscode-master/node_modules/electron-mksnapshot/download-mksnapshot.js:16 if ...
need to get nvm and npm for installation of node. Can somebody please provide a complete guide to what nvm (node version manager) and npm (node package manager) is and how to install nodejs, nvm and npm on your Win10 computer. And I use VScode so how to set it up for...
vscode.workspace){returnvscode.window.showErrorMessage('Please open a project folder first');}constfolderPath=vscode.workspace.workspaceFolders[0].uri.toString().split(':')[1];consthtmlContent=`<!
This first configuration will launch our Node application in debug mode. Running in debug mode means that VS Code will connect to our app over a specific port for debugging. For this configuration, we need to define the program file that will be run. The configuration looks like this: .vsc...
1.First, Go to your application project, Install copyfiles dependency with the below command Note: please add this as devDependencies using –save-dev npm install--save-devcopyfiles 2.把下面代码放到你的package.json,就像下图那个样子 2.In the package.json file, There is a script tag, add bel...
>npm install -g yo generator-code 安装完了之后,再在命令行中敲>yo code 扩展支持JavaScript和TypeScript两种语言编写,我们这次选择JavaScript,使用上下键来选择,然后回车,下面输入你的扩展的各种信息 确认回车后,工具会帮我们生成一个Hello World扩展,我们这边取的名字是hellocode, 所以扩展所在的文件夹名就是helloco...
We have created a new directory in the D drive to create a project, check out the screenshot attached. To install angular in the folder, we need to run the following command. npm install -g @angular/cli Then run the following command to create a new project. ng new foldername Now, ...
Fix typo in pull request template Jan 26, 2023 docs add missing line break to doc Oct 21, 2024 extension Merge pull request#479from gleitz/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/extension… Dec 6, 2022 howdoi update 2 places for int and str operations ...
Step 5: Add test command/value to script property in package.json. The package.json should be located in the project root directory (Note: If package.json is not available in your Project root directory, then you can create one using npm init command). Enter the below code to the package...
npm install puppeteer Also Read: Puppeteer Framework Tutorial: Basics and Setup Run your first Puppeteer Test In this test, we will launch a new browser page, open, take a screenshot, and then close the browser. 1. In VSCode, open the puppeteer-project directory. 2. Create...