To install the JSON server on your Windows computer, you need to run the command –npm install -g json-server.This will install the server globally, to install it locally, set your working directory to where your project is located and then runnpm i json-server. Read:How to add or chan...
Step 1: Createcomposer.jsonfile To use Composer in your project, all you need to do is install Composer and create a JSON file calledcomposer.json, where you describe the dependencies of your project. You can create such a file with the following Composer command: composerinit Copy bash If ...
Let’s get started. We will guide you through the complete roadmap on how to install Kubernetes for Windows users. This tutorial will show you how to set up Kubernetes and deploy the official web GUI dashboard, which will allow you to manage and monitor everything. Kubernetes Installation Sy...
The interface is quite easy to use and friendly. Here in this tutorial, we will seehow to install NextCloud on Windows 10 without using XAMMP, WAMP, IIS server, or a Virtualization software like VirtualBox/Vmware player. We will use the Windows 10 WSL (windows subsystem Linux) feature. It...
Applies to: ✅Windows 11, ✅Windows 10 Feedback In this article Device Registration Provisioning Key synchronization Certificate enrollment Show 2 more Windows Hello for Business is a distributed system that requires multiple technologies to work together. To simplify the explanation of how Windows ...
Applies to: ✅Windows 11, ✅Windows 10 Feedback In this article Device Registration Provisioning Key synchronization Certificate enrollment Show 2 more Windows Hello for Business is a distributed system that requires multiple technologies to work together. To simplify the explanation of how Windows ...
a file calledsomething.html, edit it in Notepad, and load it in a browser. Simple sites can be built using this process, but to really explore the possibilities, you need a web server, ushc as Apcahe. In this tutorial we’ll show you how to install Apache Web Server on windows. ...
The NPM software is ready to run on your PC when you install Node.js. To install Node.js and NPM on Windows 11 or Windows 10 computers, use either of the two methods below: Use Node.js installer Use Chocolatey Let us look at these methods in detail. ...
Microsoft.Network/privateDnsZones: anAzure Private DNS Zoneis used by the client virtual machine to solve the URL of the server application to the private IP address of the private endpoint. If the Kubernetes ingress object has a hostname equal tohttpbin.contoso.internal, the name of the Pr...
Currently we are upgrading our product to detect the windows 2016 server. Currently we use getVersionEx function to retrieve the required version information of the OS but we see like this function was deprecated from windows 8.1 platform onward. We also had a search on the alternative from the...