jsonv.sh A Bash command line tool for converting JSON to CSV Installation Run the following command to installjsonv: $ curl -Ls https://raw.github.com/archan937/jsonv.sh/master/install.sh | bash To uninstall, run this command:
C:\>"C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Visual Studio\2022\Enterprise\vs_enterprise.exe" modifySettings --channelUri https://aka.ms/vs/17/release.LTSC.17.0/channel --productID Microsoft.VisualStudio.Product.Enterprise --newChannelUri \\layoutserver\share\path\channelmanifest.json --removeOos true --qui...
PKG=eslint-config-airbnb npm info "$PKG" peerDependencies --json | command sed 's/[\{\},]//g ; s/: /@/g' | xargs npm install --save-dev "$PKG" which seems to reliably produce and run the command I want. See airbnb/javascript@623dc44 for reference. 👍 4 dannyfritz mentio...
By default, the Developer PowerShell that launches is configured for the Visual Studio installation whose install path the Launch-VsDevShell.ps1 file is located in.Tip The execution policy must be set in order for the cmdlet to run.The Launch-VsDevShell.ps1 script works by locating the ...
# 命令索引 JSON 数据 https://unpkg.com/linux-command/dist/data.json # 对应命令详情(Markdown)数据 https://unpkg.com/linux-command/command/<命令名称>.md 你也可以通过 Github 的 Raw 来,获取最新的内容 # 命令索引 JSON 数据 https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jaywcjlove/linux-command/master/di...
oci os-management managed-instance-group install-all-updates [OPTIONS] Required Parameters¶ --managed-instance-group-id[text]¶ OCID for the managed instance group Optional Parameters¶ --from-json[text]¶ Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a ...
指定要还原的包的解决方案、packages.config或project.json 文件的路径。feedsToUse - 源以使用 输入别名:selectOrConfig。 string。 command = restore时是必需的。 允许的值:select(我在此处选择的源),config(我的 NuGet.config中的源)。 默认值:select。 为要与 select 值一起使用的任务指定 Azure Artifacts...
解决方案、packages.config或 project.json路径 输入别名:solution。string。command = restore时是必需的。 默认值:**/*.sln。 指定要还原的包的解决方案、packages.config或project.json文件的路径。 feedsToUse-源以使用 输入别名:selectOrConfig。string。command = restore时是必需的。 允许的值:select(我在此处...
--pgo: provide a comma-separated list of files from which to read the data collected for Profile-guided optimization of AOT-compiled code (reads fromdefault.iprofif nothing is specified). Each file must contain a singlePGOProfilesobject, serialized in JSON format, optionally compressed by gzip....
This option allows you to skip logging into your NVIDIA account, and instead installs SDK Manager offline. Example: --offline --versionfile link_to_version_json_file --downloadfolder This option allows you to set the download folder for the files. For offline install, use this option to spe...