Jenkins is an Open-Source automation software (a fork of Hudson) which can help you automate repetitive technical tasks involved in the continuous integration and delivery of software. Jenkins is written in JAVA language an currently focusing on two main purposes: Building and testing software projec...
In this tutorial, you installed Jenkins using the project-provided packages, started the server, opened the firewall, and created an administrative user. At this point, you can start exploring Jenkins. When you’ve completed your exploration, follow the guideHow to Configure Jenkins with SSL Usin...
We have installed all the dependencies required by Jenkins and now we are ready to install Jenkins. Run following commands to install latest stable release of Jenkins. wget -O /etc/yum.repos.d/jenkins.repo --import
Once you enter the password, Jenkins will prompt you to install plugins. Because you are not doing anything unusual, selectInstall suggested plugins. After installation, Jenkins will load a new page and ask you to create an admin user. Fill out the fields, or skip this step by pressing the...
Then you need to unlock your Jenkins using the Admin Password: This is the welcome page of Jenkins. Here you need select your plugins to install with the Jenkins. Then the packages will be install After the plugins is installed then you need configure your admin user. Here I skip this ste...
We recommend you to select the “Install suggested plugins” option if you are new to Jenkins. Now you can see that Jenkins is installing some plugins: After that, you will direct to a page which you have to create your first user: ...
Step 1 — Installing JenkinsThe version of Jenkins included with the default Ubuntu packages is often behind the latest available version from the project itself. To ensure you have the latest fixes and features, use the project-maintained packages to install Jenkins....
sudo apt-get install openjdk-11-jdk To test if Java has been installed successfully, run this command: java -version It should look something like this: Sugested Reading Check out our guide to learnhow to install Java on Ubuntu. 2. Install Jenkins ...
On the next page, select Install Suggested Plugins. When Jenkins finishes, it will prompt you for a new admin user and password. Enter a username and password, and click Save and Continue. The next page gives you a chance to change the host name of your controller. For this tutorial, yo...
Install Jenkins, and its java Install java, then Jenkins. Let setup guide to install recommended plugins. Just follow the usual guide via APT Install docker Just follow the usual guide via APT