jenkins插件下载地址 如题 好文要顶 关注我 收藏该文 微信分享 fenglj 粉丝- 0 关注- 27 +加关注 0 0 升级成为会员 « 上一篇: 执行newman命令报错 » 下一篇: Python break语句,就像在C语言中,打破了最小封闭for或while循环 ...
Jenkins provides hundreds of plugins to support building, deploying, and automating any project. Jenkins is a self-contained, open-source automation server that can be used to automate all sorts of tasks related to building, testing, and delivering or deploying software. It can be installed throug...
Sending build context to Docker daemon 6.144kB Step 1/6 : FROM jenkins ---> 861760a10fdb Step 2/6 : MAINTAINER Jose Pineda ---> Using cache ---> a7c69ae45b47 Step 3/6 : ENV JAVA_OPTS "-Xmx8192m" ---> Using cache ---> 0057b1357af8 Step 4/6 : COPY conf/plugins.txt /u...
Caused: Failed to download from to: Tried using multiple different locations ...
You'll find Cydia™ right there on your iPhone after you jailbreak your iPhone. Using it is easy - browse the categories, check what's new, or peruse the featured section to see the current popular apps. There's hundreds (getting into the thousands) of themes to choose from. Cydia™...
To change the Jenkins plugin download URL, go to the advanced tab of the Jenkins plugin manager and scroll down to the edit box for the Jenkins update site URL. Remove the ‘s’ in ‘https’, submit the change and then resume your search for Jenkins plugins. The...
Jenkins provides hundreds of plugins to support building, deploying, and automating any project. Jenkins is a self-contained, open-source automation server that can be used to automate all sorts of tasks related to building, testing, and delivering or deploying software. It can be installed throug...
Problem with the Jenkins download and deployment page, source file 503 Service Temporarily Unavailable is seen when the windows download links are clicked. URL: Screenshots TODO: Add scree...
Service(s) Summary Caused: Failed to load to /var/jenkins_home/plugins/ionicons-api.jpi.tmp at hudson.mod...
Jenkins provides hundreds of plugins to support building, deploying, and automating any project. Jenkins is a self-contained, open-source automation server that can be used to automate all sorts of tasks related to building, testing, and delivering or deploying software. It can be installed ...