2. Install Curl on Alpine Linux The package to install cURL on Alpine Linux is already there on Alpine Linux’s default main repository, hence just need to use the APK package manager to add it to the system. apk add curl 3. Usage From a terminal you can call cURL as follows: curl ...
This tutorial shows how to install curl on Ubuntu 22.04; we will demonstrate the pre-installation steps, installation commands, and how to use the curl command.
The output shows the two entries, indicating the autoloader successfully loaded the Monolog library and executed the code incomposer_sample.php. Update Dependencies To update the dependencies in thecomposer.jsonfile, do the following: 1. Install thephp-curllibrary: sudo apt install php-curl Provide...
sudo apt install wget curl grepCopy Downloading the Latest Anaconda Install Script on Ubuntu 3. With Ubuntu now prepared, we can download the latest version of the Anaconda install script to your Ubuntu system. If want to install a specific version of Anaconda, you can grab the download link...
$ sudo yum install git autoconf automake libtool gcc-c++ libuuid-devel zlib-devel libjpeg-devel ncurses-devel openssl-devel sqlite-devel.x86_64 curl-devel pcre-devel speex-devel ldns ldns-devel libedit-devel gtk+-devel gtk2-devel ntpdate yasm-devel.x86_64 lua-devel opus-devel libshout-devel...
In this step-by-step tutorial, you'll learn how to create an installable Django app. You'll cover everything you need to know, from extracting your app from a Django project to turning it into a package that's available on PyPI and installable through pi
3 git cmake curl \ 4 build-essential Install Docker Desktop or the Docker Engine if you plan to install the FreeRTOS demo or the HAL on Mac or Windows via Docker.Install the SDK You have three choices: If you intend to work with an RTOS, such as FreeRTOS, you should install the ...
To install these packages, run the following command: sudoaptinstallsoftware-properties-common apt-transport-httpscurl-y These packages provide essential functionality like secure APT, certificate management, and HTTPS support, which helps ensure a smooth installation process. ...
2) sudo apt install apt-transport-https ca-certificates curl software-properties-common -y 这条命令用于安装一些必要的工具和依赖项,以便您可以通过HTTPS协议安装和更新软件包。具体而言: apt-transport-https:它允许apt工具通过HTTPS协议使用存储库,以更安全地获取软件包。
/usr/bin/ruby -e"$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install) 但是这一步我就悲剧了,因为我的电脑一直上不了GitHub。。。 这个问题困扰了我很久,自从去年暑假,我的macbook莫名其妙的打不开又莫名其妙的好了之后,我就上不了github了,所以无论是浏览器还是terminal,我得...