1] Install Git for Windows DownloadGit for Windows, and it will install CURL along with it. You can find it installed underC:\Program Files\Git\mingw64\bin\. Add it to your Windows path, and you will be able to execute it from anywhere. ...
Git is the perfect tool for version control and collaboration. Here's how to easily install Git on your Windows, macOS, or Linux machine
While the native library will be in most cases the best option, there still can be reasons why one may want to use the command line application instead. For example, your code could run in an environment where you cannot control, or install, third party dependencies or you may want to se...
you can install any app using simple strings. So, first of all, let us install Chocolatey on your computer. To do so, open PowerShell as an administrator. Now, run the following
Before we can start firing offTemplatesusing cURL, we need to make sure that the prerequisites are installed on our system. These are (naturally)cURL, and the command-line JSON processorjq. brewinstallcurljq||sudoaptinstallcurljq After both are installed, we can create a simple command that ...
1. Install thephp-curllibrary: sudo apt install php-curl Provide the user password and pressyto start the installation. The extension enables Composer to run updates faster. 2. To update dependencies, run: composer update The command updates all dependencies according to the version in the file...
sudo apt install linux-headers-`uname -r` [On Debian Systems] 6.After installing the required packages, try runningVMwareagain. You will encounter the following license agreement. Check the option ‘I accept the terms in the license agreement‘ and then click ‘Next‘ to continue. ...
"The function evaluation requires all threads to run" while accessing music library through wmp.dll "The left-hand side of an assignment must be a variable, property or indexer". Help? "The remote server returned an error: (401) Unauthorized" "Typewriter" like effect in a C# Console applica...
d) You should havewgetorcurlandtarutility available in your Server. e) You should havekubectlutility available in your Server. Step 2: Update Your Server In the first step, I would recommend you to check and install all the available updates from default repo to avoid any hazzle during the...
cURL is available on your custom Windows image The SSL libraries which are required for TKG’s antrea OVS installation can be pulled down to an internet-restricted location when needed. Here’s how to set this up: Download the Install-OVS.ps file to a webserver that is local (i.e. pyth...