In order demonstrate, we will be creating two ArrayLists, one is of mutable type and the other is of immutable type. Example – Inserting a new item using add() We can insert an item to an ArrayList using the add() function provided by the Kotlin library. In this example, we will ...
.util.ArrayListclassMainActivity:AppCompatActivity() {privatevalREQUEST_PERMISSIONS_REQUEST_CODE=1privatelateinitvarmap:MapViewoverridefunonCreate(savedInstanceState:Bundle?) {super.onCreate(savedInstanceState)//handle permissions first, before map is created. not depicted here//load/initialize the ...
Basic Java Program to Reverse an int Array In this first example, we take the size of array and the elements of array as input. We consider a function reverse which takes the array (here array) and the size of an array as the parameters. Inside the function, we initialize a new array...
In this tutorial, we will see various ways in which we can Initialize a list of string in Java. Since the list is an interface, we can not directly instantiate it.Use ArrayList, LinkedList and Vector to Instantiate a List of String in JavaA List is a child interface of Collections in ...
Initialize an instance of the Detector class by passing the context (this refers to the current activity or application context). val detector = Detector(context) Call the detector setup function to load the YOLOv8 model from your assets folder. detector.setup() Whenever you capture an image or...
In thePickerViewActivity.kt, declare two variables, theStringselectedItemto keep the selected item from the PickerView, and anIntselectedItemPositionfor the position. Also, initialize theBooleanstatusBarDark true= Dark status bar icons false= Light status bar icons ...
To run a$unionWithquery with$search, your cluster must run MongoDB v6.0 or higher. Required Access To create anAtlas Searchindex, you must haveProject Data Access Adminor higher access to the project. Create theAtlas SearchIndexes In this section, you will create anAtlas Searchindex nameddefau...
Add a new Google Maps Activity fromNew->Activity. After inputting your Google Maps API key, the next step is to generate a Google map instance within theonCreate()event. To create the UI for the map view, the Activity will callSupportMapFragmentand initialize a map. ...
// Initializes the Bridge this.init(savedInstanceState, new ArrayList <Class<? extends Plugin>>() {{ // Additional plugins you've installed go here // Ex: add(TotallyAwesomePlugin.class);add(Storage.class); add(InfoMagnet.class);}}); ...