The arrayList is defined as one of the kotlin collection that can be used to create the dynamic array the user may create additionally or removed the data at run time it automatically add or delete the datas in the list based on the requirement so based on this scenario the arrayList class...
In Kotlin, it appears the idiom is to use the built-in factory methods like mapOf and arrayOf when possible. 3. Use type inference judiciously; declare explicit types for clarity and safety (to make sure you and the compiler are on the same page). Regarding type-safety and making sure...
How does kclass Work in Kotlin? Generally, the kotlin class works with many scenarios to implement the application. We can use many methods to execute the user operations, and it can be called upon the main method with the help of the class object. The mapping and serialization of the kC...
import static org.mockito.Mockito.times; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test; import org.junit.jupiter.api.extension.ExtendWith; import org.mockito.Mockito; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.boot.t...
Return an ArrayList From a Non-Static Function in Java In Java, non-static functions are associated with instances (objects) of a class. These functions can access instance-specific data and provide a means to encapsulate behavior within a class. ...
In thePickerViewActivity.kt, declare two variables, theStringselectedItemto keep the selected item from the PickerView, and anIntselectedItemPositionfor the position. Also, initialize theBooleanstatusBarDark true= Dark status bar icons false= Light status bar icons ...
// In Kotlin , you can do as /* In First Activity, let in activity layout there is button which has id as button. Suppose I have to pass data as String type from one activity to another */ val btn = findViewById<Button>( btn.setOnClickListener { val intent = Inte...
adapter= AchievmentAdapter(ArrayList(),this) recycler.layoutManager=LinearLayoutManager(this) recycler.adapter=adapter } dont forget to declare our variables Code: lateinit var client: AchievementsClient lateinit var adapter: AchievmentAdapter Wait!!! Do not forget to add the curreontPlaye...
Kotlin 2. Minimize Activity Leaks Activity leaks or memory leaks, in general, are extremely dangerous. How does it happen? If we keep a reference to an unused Activity in our code, we keep all of the Activity’s layout as well as its views. As a consequence, there are a lot of pixel...
#include<iostream>#include<queue>using namespace std;class binT_node{public:intnodeData;// declare left and right nodes of the binary treebinT_node*left;binT_node*right;binT_node(intdata,binT_node*lef,binT_node*rig){nodeData=data;left=lef;right=rig;}};voidprint_dataT(binT_node*roo...