Tosummarizemeans to render main points and ideas of the author in your own words. This includes paraphrasing and (possibly) quoting from the original. A distinctive feature of a summary is that it renders all the major ideas of the original, but is significantly shorter than the original text...
6StepstoEffectiveParaphrasing •Rereadtheoriginalpassageuntilyouunderstanditsfullmeaning.•Settheoriginalaside,andwriteyourparaphraseonanotecard.•Jotdownafewwordsbelowyourparaphrasetoremindyoulaterhowyouenvisionusingthismaterial.Atthetopofthenotecard,writeakeywordorphrasetoindicatethesubjectofyourparaphrase.•...
Paraphrasing:can include some key terms from the original work but must use new language to represent the original work—DO NOT COPY THE ORIGINAL WORK. When you paraphrase–that is, rewrite the text you want to use–you do not need to include quotation marks, but you must still cite the ...
1. Differences among quoting, paraphrasing, and summarizing These three ways of incorporating other writers' work into your own writing differ according to the closeness of your writing to the source writing.•Quotations must be identical to the original, using a narrow segment of the source. ...
Paraphrasing is one tool writers use to avoid plagiarism. Along with direct quotations and summaries, its a fair use of another person's work which can be incorporated into your own writing. At times, you can make more impact by paraphrasing a quotation instead of quoting it verbatim. ...
Do not use quotations, but if you use them be sure to quote correctly. Indicate quotations with quotation marks. Cite each quotation correctly (give the page number). Do not plagiarize. Cite any paraphrases by citing the page number the information appears on. Avoid paraphrasing whenever possibl...
Lesson15_Howtoparaphraseandsummarize英语写作精选.docx,Summarizing and ParaphrasingOWL of Purdue UniversityI. Quoting, Paraphrasing, and Summarizing1. Differences among quoting, paraphrasing, and summarizingThese three ways of incorporating other writers
1、How to paraphrase研究生英语课程1MEET OUR TEAMMajor:Social workMajor:Aeronautical engineeringStudent No.:Student No.:Major:ArchitectureStudent No.:Major:ArchitectureStudent No.:2ContentsDefinitionWhats paraphrasing?Paraphrasing is a valuable skill becauseReasonsQuick steps to quality paraphraseWell done ...
Quoting a sentence or paragraph, omitting certain parts and not using an ellipsis to indicate deletion. Making a citation wrongly. Your lecturer would have given you a clear citation method before you begin work on your essay. Not adhering to this citation style would mean that you have made ...
Paraphrasingisavaluableskill Reasons Thementalprocessrequiredforsuccessfulparaphrasinghelpsyoutograspthefullmeaningoftheoriginal.Itisbetterthanquotinginformationfromanundistinguishedpassage.Ithelpsyoucontrolthetemptationtoquotetoomuch.Quickstepstoqualityparaphrase identifythesourceyouareparaphrasing rearrangesentences substitute...