If you’re struggling to get to grips with the process of paraphrasing, check out our easy step-by-step guide in the video below. Prevent plagiarism. Run a free check. Try for free How to paraphrase correctly Putting an idea into your own words can be easier said than done. Let’s sa...
When class was over, Emi hoped she could check her phone. Emi hoped she could check her phone when class was over. What are the different kinds of modifiers? As we mentioned above, modifiers can be single words, phrases, or clauses. For a quick refresher on how to fit these components...
Paraphrasing Examples We’re big believers in learning by doing, so let’s take a look at some examples of paraphrasing. Seeing the process in action will help you understand how it works. Slide 1 of 3 Input If you’re going to South America, you’ve got to check out Brazil. It’s ...
Here’s a cover letter template you can use to write your own cover letter. Simply plug in your information to the corresponding part. For more details, check out our guide oncover letter format. [Your name][Address][Phone number][Email] ...
Paraphrasing means using the ideas of other writers but putting them into your own words. It’s more common than quoting because it shows the reader that you have understood what you’ve read, as well as ensuring that your whole text is written in a cohesive style. For example: ...
Paraphrasing is tricky because you don’t want to plagiarize the source by coming too close to it in your re-write.You must keep the original meaning but use different vocabulary and a different sentence structure. The best way to do a paraphrase is: Read Several Times: Read the passage ca...
How_To_Paraphrase HowToParaphrase WhatisParaphrase Paraphraseis:•yourowninterpretationofessentialinformationandideasexpressedbysomeoneelse,presentedinanewform.•onelegitimateway(whenaccompaniedbyaccuratedocumentation)toborrowfromasource.•amoredetailedrestatementthanasummary 6StepstoEffectiveParaphrasing •Rereadthe...
Double-check the accuracy and consistency of all the data, as well as all of the visual elements included. Read your draft aloud to catch language errors (grammar, spelling, and mechanics), awkward phrases, and missing transitions. Ensure that your results are presented in the best order to ...
Check your work by comparing it to the original. Your paraphrase should be clear and simple, and written in your own words. It may be shorter, but it should include all of the necessary detail. Paraphrasing: an Example Original Despite the undoubted fact that everyone's vision of what const...
We hate you!" Okay, maybe they didn't exactly say that; I'm paraphrasing.我们讨厌你!”好吧...