Introduction: How to Get to Harvest in 10 Steps Step 1: Choose Your Place to Grow Step 2: Choose Your Light Step 3: Choose Your Growing Medium Step 4: Get Cannabis-Friendly Nutrients Step 5: Get Good Seeds (or Clones) Step 6: Germinate Your Seeds / Start Your Clones ...
The Secret to Raising pH in Your Hot Tub Now that you know alkalinity is essential to protect your pH, you’ll be surprised to learn that it gets simpler. Raising your alkalinity will also increase the pH.And you can raise the alkalinity in your water with baking soda. ...
Pool Shock: Calcium hypochlorite (chlorine) has a very high pH level, so, if you’ve shocked your pool with this inorganic compound, pH levels can spike and the calcium hardness level can increase, causing the water to appear cloudy. Accidentally Dosing With A pH Increaser: It could be ...
It’s still in the water, but its sanitizing power is greatly diminished. You want to keep your CC level at less than 0.2 ppm. Total Chlorine (TC) is the sum of FC and CC in your pool. Pool water testing kits can measure the FC and TC of your water. To find the CC of your ...
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Why do tachyons increase in speed by decreasing in energy How does electromagnetism relate to an electric motor? Why doesn't light carry momentum? Which waves propagate on the surface? How does the following types of energy tie into each other?
Now, the trick is to increase the temperature slooooooooowly.Fish are sensitive to rapid changes in temperature. If you raise it too quickly, you risk killing your fish. Check out FishLab’s guide to aquarium temperatures for more info....
You can maintain your pool for a fraction of the cost by going straight to the source and using pure baking soda in your pool. Using Baking Soda to Increase Alkalinity Follow these steps to test and raise your pool’s alkalinity and pH with baking soda. Test your pool’s alkalinity daily...
FishLab Fact: A sudden jump in nitrate levels is called a nitrate spike. I’ll be frank with you, unless you stock sensitive fish or corals, it’s unlikely that an increase in nitrate levels is going to outright kill your fish. But that doesn’t mean that high nitrate levels are not ...
1. Test Your Pool Water Before you add anything, you’ll need an accurate measurement of pH and total alkalinity in your pool. Test strips work pretty well, but digital test kits are even more precise. No matter the reading, lowering your pool’s alkalinity with muriatic acid is best done...