How to Raise Calcium Hardness Levels Good news! Bringing the hardness level up is much easier than lowering it. All you need to do is add a calcium hardness increaser to your pool. Be sure to carefully follow the instructions on the package in order to obtain the best results. To add th...
Now, that’s JUST to raise your hot tub’s pH level. But that won’t balance the water chemistry in your hot tub completely. You need to understand the whole picture (which is relatively easy). If you stick with me through this article, I promise you’ll completely understand how to ...
Calcium is always present in swimming pool water. However, when calcium levels are too high or too low, you could be looking at a range of issues such as corrosion and scaling. Aim for a calcium content of 100-400 PPM. Use a hardness increaser to raise calcium levels, and use a ...
How To Adjust pH When your tub has the proper pH levels, the water is less likely to become cloudy. If the ideal concentrations change, you will need to adjust the pH: To raise the pH level, you can add soda ash (sodium carbonate) to the water. To lower the pH level, add muriatic...
Pool Shock: Calcium hypochlorite (chlorine) has a very high pH level, so, if you’ve shocked your pool with this inorganic compound, pH levels can spike and the calcium hardness level can increase, causing the water to appear cloudy. Accidentally Dosing With A pH Increaser: It could be ...
A small 100W LED might not make much heat, but a big 600W light can raise the temperature of a room by several degrees unless you vent the heat out. If you want to install a lot of bright lights in a small space, you may need an air conditioner in addition to your exhaust system...
Winterizing is usually done to prevent freeze damage to the pool and pump caused by frigid temperatures, but it may also be done simply to protect the pool if you happen to be leaving home for an extended period. In a southern climate, for example, you may winterize the pool if you ar...
Baking soda is key to maintaining your pool’s proper pH and alkalinity. Add baking soda to raise the water’s pH, raise alkalinity, and clear a cloudy pool.
To put it simply, if you want to raise happy and healthy fish, you need to get your tank’s nitrate levels under control. What are the right nitrate levels for your aquarium? The ideal nitrate levels for your aquarium depend on two factors: The type of tank (freshwater, saltwater, etc...
My hatchets came down with obvious ich & my lfs sold me ich-X & said to treat for 5-7 days & that I didn’t really need to raise the temperature. I just finished that, & it seemed to really work, but now 2 of my hatchets are hanging out by the filter & they have white spo...