推理过程:文章开头 “Numerous reports suggest that students' poor English performance has to do with how English is taught in schools.” 表明学生英语成绩差与学校的英语教学方式有关。后面提到马来西亚英语教师精通程度低,泰国教师英语水平也低,日本课堂过度强调语法,很少进行实际对话练习等,这些都说明教学方式...
What can you change about your environment to improve your focus? What needs to be put out of reach until this task is done? 5. Be kind to yourself. No one ever gets to the end of their to-do list! Do your best to meet your deadlines, and celebrate your successes. But be realisti...
1. Collaboration radically improves performance It is no secret that people work better when they're around others. But the magnitude of the performance improvement will surprise you. According to a study, the mere perception of working together on a task can improve performance drastically. People...
Correcting poor supplier performance is the other side of rewarding good supplier performance. When it is evident through your rating methodology that a supplier's performance is inadequate, you need to meet with that supplier to improve performance. Some things to keep in mind when taking ...
8. Improve your time management No matter how much you focus on your performance, you won’t make much headway if your time management needs attention. Effectivetime managementgreases the wheels of performance. Managers will only give you more responsibility and trust if they perceive you to be...
Stronger job interview performance Use open body language, eye contact, and friendly facial expressions to make a strong impression. How can I enhance my social skills? We’re glad you asked! You can definitely improve your social life and become more comfortable with social interactions. Here ...
Would you like to know how to improve your memory?Perhaps you’re:a student who values the ability to recall new information — which is essential to learning, impactful on critical thinking, and streamlines studying for better test performance,ora...
Free eBook: How to improve agent effectiveness Why is great customer service important? Your customers are the lifeblood of your business, so it’s crucial that they always feel valued, assisted, listened to, and confident when they interact with you.We’ve estimated that companies across 25 co...
So, you now have a good feel for the general factors around how to motivate employees. And you have also invested time in exploring what makes individual workers tick. The challenge now is to come up with some practical steps you can take to boost employee morale and improve employee motivat...
Rather than keeping the discussion broad, cite specific instances of your employee’s poor performance to support your claim. This will not only communicate to the employee exactly where they need to improve, but it will also cover your bases as the employer, preventing retaliation. ...