|基于466个网页 2. 这一生要做有钱人 在处女作《这一生要做有钱人》(How to Get Rich)中,丹尼斯曾假定,资产在200万到400万美元的人仅仅是“生活还算舒适的穷 …|基于429个网页 3. 致富术 川普致富术(How to Get Rich) | 主页 | 时报特价书开卖,有空过去逛逛吧! 系统...
作为 AngelList 的 CEO 及联合创始人,他投资了近200家公司,是 Uber、Twitter、Yammer 等众多明星创业公司的早期投资人;作为思想者,他曾在 twitter 发表了一个系列推文:how to get rich,里面有40条,在全球引发推文风暴。 硅谷有名的投资人多如牛毛,但是我关注 Naval 最主要原因还是在于他对于创业,财富等话题颇有...
4.You’re not going to get rich renting out your time. You must own equity — a piece of a business — to gain your financial freedom. 你不会通过出租自己的时间而变得富有。你必须拥有产权,也就是生意的一部分,以此才能赢得个人财务自由。 5.You will get rich by giving society what ...
4.You’re not going to get rich renting out your time. You must own equity — a piece of a business — to gain your financial freedom. 你不会通过出租自己的时间而变得富有。你必须拥有产权,也就是生意的一部分,以此才能赢得个人财务自由。 5.You will get rich by giving society what ...
How To Get Rich[如何致富] 暂无报价 6评论 100%好评 编辑推荐: 内容简介:'Making money is a knack, a knack that can be acquired. And if someone like me can become rich, then so can you - no matter what your present circumstances. Here is how I did it and what I learned along...
How to Get Rich: With Kyleen McHenry, Ramit Sethi. Money holds power over us - but it doesn't have to. Finance expert Ramit Sethi works with people across the US to help them achieve their richest lives.
You’re not going to get rich renting out your time. You must own equity—a piece of a business—to gain your financial freedom. 译:靠时间换取金钱无法让你变得富有。想要获得财富自由,你的选择只有一个:成为一名创业者。 点评:朝九晚五的工作不单单是时间和地域的枷锁,它还有一个致命的硬伤,不具有...
Naval: The “How to Get Rich” tweetstorm definitely hit a nerve and went viral. A lot of people say it was helpful and reached across aisles. 纳瓦尔:“如何致富”的推特风暴确实触动了人们的神经,并迅速传播开来。很多人说这 很有帮助,并跨越了党派界限。
最近终于有空读读书,挑些比较轻松,励志的,这书是和Trump一起买的,很便宜,封面很精致,有收藏价值。 How to Get Rich by Felix Dennis 这本书和其他"how to get rich"的书不太一样 作者是位白手起家的亿万富翁,《Maxim》和《The Week》创办人,自称这本书是万金油式的... (展开) ...
So things might be extra difficult for you. Still, getting rich is not impossible. Read on to find out some tips on how to get rich...