I know you want to go to Paris. Don't keep harping on (about it)! 我知道你想去巴黎。但别一直唠叨个不停! My parents were frugal in the sense that they knew it wasn't easy to make money, and that it should be treated with respect. 我的父母很节俭,因为他们知道赚钱并不容易,而且它(...
=== 写在前面 ===关于Naval RavikantNaval Ravikant是成功的连续创业者(AngleList 创始人)、天使投资人(曾投资Twitter、Uber、Yammer、Stack等)、狂热数字货币推崇者、硅谷大佬。关于<How to Get Rich (without getting lucky)>一开始是Naval Ravikant发了一个很长的推特谈自己的财富观,一共40条金句,引起网络上的...
Now, notice this isn’t our very first tip. And that’s for a very important reason. If you increase your income but don’t budget, it’swaytoo easy for that extra money to get spent accidentally. Or for you to make mindless bougie purchases that might make youlookrich, but won’t ...
What’s the most obvious way to get richer? Boost your income! Asking for a raise at your current job could be a relatively easy option. However, you should have a stellar work history and be an employee for some time before asking for a raise. If you’ve proven to be a prized empl...
These habits aren't necessarily easy to develop, but follow them and you just might get rich. As a financial adviser, I occasionally find myself feeling envious of certain clients. Not because of their wealth — but because of their discipline. They were determined enough to do all the ...
It’s easy to get started with a lot less money than you otherwise would need. Easiest Way To Invest In Real Estate Arrived Homes Looking for an easy way to get started investing in real estate without a lot of money? Look into Arrived Homes. Pick the single family houses in the parts...
What is the Fastest Way to Start Building Wealth? While you may be tempted to follow a “how to get rich quick” scheme, a natural way to start building wealth is simply to accelerate your ability to save and invest — like dramatically reining in your expenses and doubling down on repay...
Another easy first step toward financial independence is to go to a coin shop and buy a 1-ounce silver coin. Today, it will cost you about US $24.69. You now own a commodity. The beauty of this small investment is that now you can go online every day and check if the price of sil...
life is .different people have different answers.some of people think that a happy life is to be rich and can afford anything they want.they think a happy life is a easy and rich life.but some other people don't agree with them.some other people think a happy life is to ...
to get rich, don’t sit around waiting for inspiration to strike. Just get busy getting rich.Knowledge learned the hard way combined with the avoidance of error, whenever and wherever possible, is the soundest basis for success in any endeavor. I got rich my way. You might even say the...