How to hit the downhill bunker shotProvides guidelines in making a hit for downhill bunker shot in golf. Importance of head stability in making a swing; Need to level the shoulders in making a hit; Ways of hitting the ...
Another way to hit low and down on the ball is to shift the majority of your weight on your left-hand side (Fig.2, for a right-hander). Having your weight distributed 50-50 would give you a regular ball trajectory. 3. Wrists forward As well as having a majority of your weight ...
Learn the ONE Drill that's making golfers more consistent than ever before! Need a true fundamentals based approach to the golf swing? See a free video now!
Video Transcription: Knuckles Down - Logo Down When it comes to controlling ball flight, almost everything that dictates where the ball is going to go, how low or high you're going to hit it, what shot shape you're going to have, is dictated by what you do with your left hand. ...
A reader asks, how do you hit a stinger shot in the PPGS? First we explain what a "stinger" shot is as it is also called other names in golf. Tiger Woods was known for using this technique because he often times had little control over where his ball landed. It can also be use...
BEGINNER GOLF TIP: HOW TO HIT A BUNKER SHOT >> A bunker, often referred to as a sand trap, is a hazard that you'll find on most golf courses. There is no penalty for hitting your ball into a bunker like there is with a water hazard. However, the bunker c
Hitting out of the bunker is one of the most difficult things in golf. Learn from our world class instructors and from the pros themselves on how to hit a bunker shot.
Such is often the case with the dreaded flubbed bunker shot. Very often, average golfers try to hit miracle bunker shots that the pros practice every day. Truth is, when faced with a difficult bunker shot, the average golfer should take his medicine and just get the ball on the grass.....
Wet, compact or semi-frozen sand or bunkers that don’t have a lot of sand in them, very often lead to those destructive, thinned bunker shots. There are certain adjustments we can make to both our set up and club selection to get a good contact out of w
Downhill lie Plugged bunker shot Flop shot 40 yard bunker shot Buried in greenside rough Up against the collar By Joe Ferguson published 21 November 2023 Golf is rarely straightforward, so being versatile and adaptable are key components to success. Nowhere is this truer than in the ...