The punch is a shot that starts off low and stays low on the target line (Fig.1). There may be times when the wind is picking up or potentially you're hitting high lofted shots with too much shape, well the answer is to keep the ball low with a punch shot. So check out my ...
When it comes to taking the shot, a couple factors come into play. Haney explained that you must first note how far you need to hit the shot, and then pair that with the amount of loft that you are working with and how much you are able to keep the club face open and lofted at ...
Learn the ONE Drill that's making golfers more consistent than ever before! Need a true fundamentals based approach to the golf swing? See a free video now!
I can start equating everything that I do with a golf club to these three fingers of my left hand - these three knuckles - and the logo of my glove. As I start working on, if I want to hit a high shot, I'm going to take this normal impact position and make it slightly weaker...
Everything we’ve covered with your setup and golf swing until now is designed to get you into a great impact position – as easily and as consistently as possible.
A reader asks, how do you hit a stinger shot in the PPGS? First we explain what a "stinger" shot is as it is also called other names in golf. Tiger Woods was known for using this technique because he often times had little control over where his ball landed. It can also be use...
As long as you set up like you would for a greenside shot, all you need on these longer shots is more club. The plugged ball For those golfers who hit the ball high, plugged balls in traps are not uncommon. The Fried Egg as its sometimes called is extremely difficult to control, and...
GolfTips and Promenade; How to Hit a Tough Shot over WaterAs a golfer yous have undoubtedly seen from time to time on e of your partners picking out an...Korea Times (Seoul, Korea)
Golfing turns enjoyable if you know how to hit a golf driver. Most of the golfers want their golf balls to cross 150 or 200 yards with few shots.
nothing of hitting a baseball when the ball is moving, or a tennis ball when both the ball and the player are moving. In golf, the ball sits still and you have plenty of time to get set and make your swing. And, fortunately, the proper way to hit a golf ball is also the ...