A setting related to the grid issubdivisionsjust below to the right. This is grayed out as well and doesn't change the subdivision of the grid. This is because by default we are using the metric unit system in Blender. With the metric system the grid subdivisions will always be 10. To ...
The main idea is to set up each block as an independent entity that knows its position on the grid and its type. Based on the value of thetypeproperty we simply show a different fruit image. In order to listen to clicks on a fruit by the player, we added aMouseAreathat covers the w...
We’re used to dealing in boxes on the web, but not everything has to be rectangular! Clipping and masking are two sides of the same coin, and are different ways to hide and show different parts of an element so that the background shows through. This gives us the power to introduce...
So you’ll need to reference back-and-forth with some other map to narrow down the area you want to print. When you figure out which part of the map you want to zoom in on, use the “Subset & zoom” tool (dotted border) from upper left to lower right to zoom in (Image “D”)...
I do not wish to continue in challenge since I don't know how freely express myself in blender and I just trying play and have fun on Sim 4 is there way to added opt out list? Nor do I intend to be on it in future. I like build but I don't intend to have crazies reset my...