Few Answers on How to Effectively Help Children Cope with TraumaTara Haelle
We have to ask, "How do we prevent trauma in the first place?" For young children, we need to establish a foundation of emotional well-being, to promote their social–emotional development to the fullest, help them express themselves, find that sense of comfort and consistency. We know ...
Each child responds to trauma in a different way depending on the circumstances and their age and personality. What is common is that all children turn towards their parents and teachers for support in these situations. Hence, it is important to understand how to help your child deal wi...
When it comes to experiencing trauma, everyone has their own ways of handling and coping with what they go through. Of course, it often requires certain help from others, and serious trauma can also require therapy to find tools and ways to move through it. There are so many different type...
RISE from Trauma Let’s help these castaways, looking for a home. To achieve a paradigm shift in how we combat childhood trauma, we also need to train more adults in how to help these kids. Specifically, we need to train and support educators and child welfare workers working tirelessly ...
How to deal with 'vicarious trauma' from the Derek Chauvin trial verdict, the increase in gun violence and mass shootings and the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.
Now don't get me wrong, all overachievers in your schools are not victims of abuse or trauma. But I just want you to take the time to be curious. Ask them why. You may find out that there is a reason behind it. You could be the reason that they move forward with their story. ...
I’m going to break this down into 5 steps or thoughts that will help you deal with triggers from trauma (or other hurtful things) 1 We don’t live in the past anymore It’s important to remember that what happened in the past needs to stay in the past. That’s not who you are...
If you’re living with trauma and struggling in your relationships, it’s essential to seek help. At Recovery Ranch, we offer a range of addiction treatment programs and therapies that can help you heal from trauma and learn healthy ways of relating to others. ...
Every child is different, and as a result, every child is going to cope with trauma exposure differently. Try to learn how your child copes best and then help them do that. For example, some children might prefer to be alone as part of their coping strategies, while others might want to...