their fears, doubts, and the overall situation during the crisis. It is also essential to consider the triggers that set off the crisis, such as employment issues, the loss of a loved one, encountering someone with a different worldview, relationship problems, jealousy, deep ...
我们常会在青春的激荡中,投入到事业与家庭之间的追逐,忽略了自己内心深处真实的渴求。这种追逐在岁月的洪流中被逐渐淹没,久而久之,便可能滋生一种失落感。这种失落感会促使我们去反思:我是谁?我想要的生活是什么? 应对“中年危机”的第一步是,勇敢面对内心的声音。通过找一个安静的地方,闭上眼睛,倾听自己的心跳。
You won’t like to pop a little bit. You know, when it’s too boring for too long. Now you get into those stories that they call it. Well, that’s the midlife crisis he’s having. No, he feels bored. Well, what’s wrong with him? He had everything. He had all success. He...
Top Tips for Better Sleep, According to a Doctor The Real Facts Behind Vaccines The Best Tips to Make Your Breath Smell Better How to Train Yourself to Get Lucky The Sight Trick That Could Make You Less Impatient Gifts to Help Your Friends With Health Issues...
Has a midlife crisis turned your spouse into someone you no longer recognize? Discover what a mid life crisis is, how long it will last and how to get through it...
Take breaks to go outside to get some sunshine and fresh air. Go to lunch with a favorite colleague or friend. Do a good deed for someone in your office. Smile, even if you don't feel like it. This will help you feel better. If you've been away, remind yourself that it was you...
Track your living expenses: If you’re dealing with debt or struggling to afford the necessities with your regular income, try creating an expense tracker to help you discover where your money is going. This can help you become more aware of your spending habits and find new ways to cut ba...
UPDATED DAILY You’ve got questions. Together, we get answers. We all need advice, but sometimes it’s hard to know where to turn. Each week, Courtney Martin and Carvell Wallace bring a listener on to the show to solve their toughest problems with the help of world-class experts. It’...
Regardless of gender, people tend to respond more directly and aggressively to people who are weaker than they are. People tend to be more subversive in expressing their anger when they are dealing with someone who is in a more powerful position [Source: Tavris]. Next, we'll look at some...
ahead, and daydreaming. They can be easily frustrated and irritable. These are all also signs of midlife crisis — it’s important to pay attention to your own feelings and behaviors, as well as those of your loved ones and seek or suggest someone get help if it seems they’re ...