A midlife crisis is a very common unease among middle-aged people. The belief that the best days are behind you can lead to feelings of unfulfillment and dread for years to come. Oftentimes an existential crisis, or feeling that your life has turned out in a different way than you envision...
You may need to create a plan to overcome a lack of qualifications, or to address any gaps in your current skill set. First, think about education or training. Does the industry that you want to enter require any certifications or tests that you don't currently have? Note down what you...
When there’s an imminent threat or danger, our body immediately reacts to it by spiking up its adrenaline levels to help us boost our power levels and overcome the situation. This is also known as the flight, fight or freeze response. As we become more and more stressed in our daily l...
Veterans face unique challenges when returning to the civilian workforce. Here are tips for helping overcome them. Hitting the Wall: Why Careers Stall and What to Do About It Not getting promotions like you used to? Colleagues leaving you behind on the career ladder? Find out what to do if...
Why to overcome depression? Depression is sadness, pessimism, personal problems, and perhaps feeling sorry for one's own self. It has anguish, crying, bothering and hopelessness. Activities and social contacts seems so huge of a task because of loss of pleasure in and enthusiasm for their ...
With practice and self-compassion, you can learn to overcome these challenges and enjoy staying present while you’re eating. This can help you make the right choices for your body. And even if you do slip up, practicing self-compassion with these five tips can help you avoid feeling guilty...
You may encounter many defeats, but you must not be defeated. Please remember that your difficulties do not define you. They simply strengthen your ability to overcome. —Maya Angelou 311 Never let your memories be greater than your dreams. —Douglas Ivester ...
For many, this becomes a midlife crisis where they choose to blame others leading to numerous actions detrimental to self and other people. The rest choose to embrace the challenges and take responsibility for what they can control, which is ultimately how they live their life and respond to ...
Want to have a happier, healthier marriage? If you feel disconnected or frustrated about the state of your marriage but want to avoid separation and/or divorce, the marriage.com course meant for married couples is an excellent resource to help you overcome the most challenging aspects of being...
To overcome the lack of context in life-course epidemiology we will contribute to theoretical development of the working life-course by integrating Elder’s [1] life-course theory with Urie Bronfenbrenner’s [3] Ecological Systems Theory of human development, which is of special importance from a...