FABER: SIBLINGS WITHOUT RIVALRY - HOW TO HELP YO UR CHILDREN LIVE TOG SO YOU CAN LIVE TOOThe authors show effective ways to reduce sibling rivalry and promote cooperation rather than competition.A Faber
If you've got two or more children, you probably know how intense and hurtful sibling rivalry can be—over the most trivial of things. "In our house, sometimes there is a quarrel over who gets to roller-skate down the driveway first," says Pat Weston, a mother of four. Resolving the...
Sit withIntention– Discern whether you need to intervene and decide how you will respond. Not every conflict needs to be addressed in the moment… or at all. (My partner, Jason, wanted credit for this bullet list.) What else would you add? What other nuggets of wisdom about sibling rela...
to work out conflicts on their own, and what to do when they fight. The "Reminder" pages, humorous examples that ring true, and great cartoons by Kimberly Ann Coe all make this book an easily accessible resource. Faber and Mazlish will help you understand sibling rivalry from ...
Some sibling rivalry is normal, but when it gets out of control you need to put a stop to it. Learn how to help your kids cope with rivalry and jealousy.
When your kids fight it can drive you crazy! Here are some principles and practices to lessen sibling rivalry and squabbling, AND how to intervene in a fight.
Sibling rivalry is something that it's going to be there and the most important thing is to acknowledge that it's happening because it is happening for that child. That child is feeling that. "Don't be silly. I don't favor your brother" isn't a satisfactory answer. What you...
When an older sibling, like my daughter, wants to throw the baby out, a grown-up can help the child understand why: “Oh, honey, do you sometimes wish it could go back to the way it was when you were the only one?” a parent might say. “I’m so glad you told me that becaus...
siblings. All the children require their parents’ help and guidance in order to know the importance of the existence of their sibling. When parents ask their kids to fight their own battles, there are chances that the bickering and rivalry can increase over time if neglected for a long ...
To cut down on sibling rivalry, avoid comparisons between children. It creates needless competition and makes them feel less unique. "Don’t use labels when talking about your children, either," Dr. Holmes-Knight says. "Parents will refer to their children as 'the athletic one,' or 'the ...