Having a sibling is like having a best friend, an enemy, and a personal, round-the-clock bully rolled into one. This person knows your strengths, your weaknesses,your pet peeves, your most intimate secrets... and they share your DNA. It’s basically the perfect concoction for blackmail ...
2. Sibling Rivalry – preferring one child over the other 3. Domestic Violence – witnessed by children 4. Poor Parenting Skills – over permissiveness 5. Discipline - too much or non-existent 6. Financial Problems – unemployment, over-spending, living beyond means – the Jones’s syndrome ...
In their heyday,Oasisruffled more than a few feathers with their borderline arrogant confidence and take-no-prisoners attitude toward their work. For some, this wasn't appealing, but for others, it screamed rock 'n' roll. The numbers, however, spoke for themselves. A little over a year af...
In their heyday,Oasisruffled more than a few feathers with their borderline arrogant confidence and take-no-prisoners attitude toward their work. For some, this wasn't appealing, but for others, it screamed rock 'n' roll. The numbers, however, spoke for themselves. A little over a year af...
Sibling rivalry. In this family, there is simply not enough attention or love to go around. One or both of the parents is limited in some way; by mental illness, personality disorder, or substance abuse for example. The siblings must jockey for whatever they can get. A parent who despise...
5 Steps for Recovering From the Trauma of a Narcissistic Parent Signs of Sexual Abuse, Molestation, and Wrongful Touch of Children 5 Reasons Moms Get Jealous of Their Daughters (and Is It Okay?) What Happens When You Report Someone to Social Services?
For more, please check out my many other sibling posts:HERE I also recommendSiblings Without Rivalryby Adele Faber and Elaine Mazlish,Your Self Confident Babyby Magda Gerber and my respectful discipline guidebook,No Bad Kids: Toddler Discipline Without Shame ...
Parenting classes provide practical solutions for toddler tantrums, sibling rivalry, and teenage defiance. Instructors can offer tailored advice to address your unique family dynamics, giving you actionable steps to improve the situation. This specialized guidance empowers you to tackle challenges head-on...
For more about sibling issues, Irecommend: Siblings Without Rivalryby Adele Faber and Elaine Mazlish (one of my all-time favorite parenting books) Ask the Parent Coach: 7 Ways to Help Your Child Adjust to a New Babyby Susan Stiffelman ...
Any memories of parental arguments or sibling rivalry will pale in comparison to your memories of how amazing they are. Likewise, they’ll have time to forget about all your less attractive attributes too… When you get back these relationships will look so much stronger!