Green onions are also called scallions, bunching onions, or sometimes spring onions, depending on the type of onion and in what part of the world you live. They are a deliciously versatile option for all kinds of recipes, and easy to grow, harvest, and preserve. Growing green onions I nev...
When to plant onions Some onion varieties can be planted in autumn for an early summer harvest, but the bulbs may rot in heavy, wet soils. The best time to plant onion sets is in early to mid-spring. Onions need a rich, fertile neutral or alkaline soil in full sun. To prepare the ...
No matter which variety of onions you choose to grow, the basic steps for growing them from seeds are the same. Start seeds indoors, transplant seedlings outdoors, provide plenty of light and water, and harvest when the tops start to turn yellow and fall over. With a little care and ...
Used in countless recipes and one of the best vegetables for long storage, onion are a great way to enjoy the fruits of your labor throughout the entire year.
Onions are a bit different than most vegetables the casual gardener will encounter. First, they are oddly finicky about daylight length. Second, they can be grown as a fresh eating vegetable or a storage vegetable. Third, there are enough onion varieties to bog down even the most decisive gar...
Harvest onions for flavoring throughout the season by snipping the ends of leaves. Harvest green onions when bulbs are no larger than the diameter of the leaves. Bunching onions can be harvested when bulbs are 1 to 2 inches (2.5-5cm) in diameter; split them off from the outside of the ...
Bulb onions can be harvested within three months. When the plants start to yellow then it is the right time to harvest the bulb onions. The ripening process can be induced by breaking the tops of the onions. It is best to harvest the onions prior to producing flower stalks. On the ...
how-to-harvest-onions how-to-store-white-onions how-to-grow-green-onions-in-a-pot buying-potato-onion-sets how-long-does-it-take-an-onion-seed-to-grow? how-to-start-onion-seeds-indoors onion-planting-depth onion-planting-instructions ...
If you see your plants putting up a central stalk with a bud on the end, that means they’re beginning to bolt (flower), and you should harvest them right away. (And eat the flower stalk, or “scape,” too - they’re tasty, just like garlic scapes!) Green onions won’t taste ...
Water the onions once a week with a one-fourth dilution of a balanced, soluble fertilizer. Use clear, unfertilized water for daily irrigation. Harvest the onions when the onion tops begin to yellow and fall over. For green onions, harvest the tops when they are the desired size. ...