Harvest: About 100 days after sowing, when ¼ or so of the leaves have fallen over yellow, bend the tops over. After a few days, pull the bulbs and leave them in the garden, covered by the foliage, for up to a week to dry. Then move onions to a warm, dry place with good air...
Some onion varieties can be planted in autumn for an early summer harvest, but the bulbs may rot in heavy, wet soils. The best time to plant onion sets is in early to mid-spring. Onions need a rich, fertile neutral or alkaline soil in full sun. To prepare the soil for spring plantin...
No matter which variety of onions you choose to grow, the basic steps for growing them from seeds are the same. Start seeds indoors, transplant seedlings outdoors, provide plenty of light and water, and harvest when the tops start to turn yellow and fall over. With a little care and ...
How to store winter squash Storage life of winter squashes When to harvest winter squash Winter squash is ready for harvest when the rind is hard and is difficult to scratch with a fingernail. The skin of mature squash will be dull and dry looking; immature squash will have bright skin wit...
Harvest onions for flavoring throughout the season by snipping the ends of leaves. Harvest green onions when bulbs are no larger than the diameter of the leaves. Bunching onions can be harvested when bulbs are 1 to 2 inches (2.5-5cm) in diameter; split them off from the outside of the ...
If the leaves start to get dark and mushy, this is your sign it’s a little too cold for them. Harvest immediately or cover with row cover or a cold frame to extend their season. Too Much or Not Enough Water The watering dance can be a delicate process. Too little water will result...
If you have the land and the inclination, growing both a sweet variety and a storage crop of onions will pay off for the entire year, and it sure feels like an accomplishment to cook an onion you pulled out of the ground eight months earlier!
Temperature: These will last the longest in a dark, cool (but not cold), dry storage area. I've successfully kept them in my 65-70ish degree kitchen drawer for up to 3 months. A cool, dark basement is a good choice, if you happen to have one. Onions should not be stored for an...
Garlic planted with strawberries. Garlic is a good companion for almost all garden plants. You also shouldn’t plant garlic near its close relatives: onions and leeks, which might attract onion maggots. Also know that garlic will be ready to harvest around June or July, depending on where you...
Harvest from July onwards, once the top growth has begun to die back. Leave the bulbs to dry in the sun somewhere away from rainfall for a few weeks before storing. When to plant garlic Garlic is usually planted in late autumn or early winter, but if you have a heavy soil you may ...