If you have it where your fish are, they will eat it. Keep it in a separate pond with shallow still water. It has to be in at least partial sun. Question:Why do you want to harvest duckweed? Answer:We harvested our duckweed to use as food for our tilapia. We used it as a suppl...
The trick to pulling weeds is to get the root out as well, since many common weeds—like dandelions—will regrow from any roots left in the ground. Pull the weed from its base (close to the soil line) and twist gently to dislodge the roots. If you accidentally snap the roots off, tr...
Look for dandelion rosettes popping out of the soil in the early spring, before they’ve gone to flower. Once the dandelions have gone to flower the roots will shrink and become bitter and woody as the plant sends energy up to the flower. If you’ve missed them in the early spring, yo...
Having covered the benefits of dandelions now is time to discuss how to identify, harvest, and use them. I know I said earlier that almost everyone knows what this little guy looks like but not everyone has had the same experiences.
It's not new — during the Great Depression, many Australians supplemented food from the markets with rabbits, dandelions and foraged fruit. It's important to be respectful in where and how you harvest — and be mindful of the safety of the produce. Avoid foraging nea...
similar to their plastic wrapped relatives:wildstrawberries,blackberries,asparagus,onions, andminer’slettuce. Some things seem totally lacking. I have never foundminer’scroutonsorminer’s lettucedressing. Also, some of it seems down rightweedy:dandelions,cattails,and oh come on, seriously,nettles!?
These are perennial plants and there are a couple of great ways to have your roots and eat them. The first is to replant the offsets - the leafy buds at the top of the root. When I harvest the root in spring these are easily snappped off and pushed back into the ground. I've ...
And of course, you can grow plants from seeds (also easy to get free from other gardeners or harvest yourself), but that’s a topic for another post. 🙂 Now that you know how to get free plants, start finding some near you and enjoy your free garden plants this season! What plants...
Dandelions are edible, from flower to root, and have a delicate, slightly bitter flavor. If your culinary curiosity kicks in, you might want to try some dandelion greens in your next salad. Likely to the amazement of lawn-lovers, some people actually cultivate dandelions for harvest. If you...
something”—a definition with some wiggle room. A nectar dearth in some areas means there is a lot less forage than before. In other areas, it means a complete absence of nectar. Again, the local people know what they mean, but it is hard for a complete stranger (or neophyte) to ...