This cheerful yellow and orange flower is beloved by pollinators and a great cutting flower; the more you harvest, the more she flowers—well into fall. Plus, calendula is edible, providing both food and healing medicine. Learn more about one of my favorite flowers, including growing tips. B...
The conversion of the pea’s natural sugar to starch begins immediately after harvest. Some cooks say the greatest lag time between picking and serving peas should be no more than 12 hours. If you serve properly stored peas within a day or two of harvest, you should still find them a tre...
Unlike calendula, though, these sunny yellow flowers can be found during the spring and summer just about everywhere . . . for FREE. Benefits of Dandelion for Skin Gathering dandelions is a perfect way to introduce kids to the joy of wildcrafting, or to experience it firsthand for the ...
Once you have become confident in identifying the dandelion, it is time to harvest it. You really do not need any tools for harvesting a dandelion, but a few simple ones will help. A knife or cutting shears can be used for harvesting the flowers and leaves while a small trowel or shovel...
You can use the leaves like any greens in salads or sauté them up like spinach or kale. But with the leaves, you want to get them early in the season because as they get older and more mature, they can get really bitter. Dandelion tea is made from the root. You can harvest the ...
you agreed to harvest a specific distance from roads and trails. Follow this sound regulation on private land also. People hiking (and to some extent driving) through the forest often wish to experience the beauty of wildflowers. Most will never leave the trail. Even if you pick a wildflower...
I have learned to let some lambsquarters grow tall and late season just harvest branches from them. Growing up we weeded them from the garden, but harvested from in the barnyard! I am 61 years on the same farm, born in the dining room( the hospital was closed). I have a long long ...
Dandelions are edible, from flower to root, and have a delicate, slightly bitter flavor. If your culinary curiosity kicks in, you might want to try some dandelion greens in your next salad. Likely to the amazement of lawn-lovers, some people actually cultivate dandelions for harvest. If you...
Dandelion Endive Kohlrabi Radicchio Radishes Tatsoi Turnips Spinach Lettuce The trick is that some of these crops will need protection if you want them to grow well. We’ll talk about ways to extend the harvest using cold frames and tunnels in just a bit. ...
To my way of looking at it, every season, particularly if it involves a lot of hard work, deserves a holiday. Depressingly long mud season? Plan a “mudluck” dessert social, where everybody brings their gooiest dark chocolate confection. Harvest season winding down? Time to celebrate with...