These dreadlocks are faded to awesomeness. The hair from the sides are trimmed closely to the skin making a fade and the top hair are kept in dreadlocks. #14. Natural Effect Well! If you try to keep it natural and let it grow as it grows, you will get exposure to natural effect of ...
Long or short dreads are a perfectly versatile way to wear natural hair. But besides versatility, dreadlocks are also known for being a protective hairstyle. Thus, many people create dreadlocks believing that loc styles will help them grow long and healthy hair without any hair care procedures, ...
Dreadlocks, also known aslocs, are a hairstyle that consists of rope-like strands that are achieved by braiding or interlocking the hair. Some dreadlocks styles are created by simply allowing textured, uncombed hair to bunch and naturally knot together to develop into locked shapes over the years...
there are disadvantages to the "freeform method." Simply allowing hair to form into locks by itself can take a long time, and it could takemonths or yearsfor your locks to form. Plus, freeform dreadlocks usually lack uniformity, and if you don't have naturally kinky or curly hair, the ...
Dreadlocks: similar in appearance to braids, these are sections of hair that are matted together. Ponytails/pigtails: These are sections of hair pulled together and tied with an elastic band. Cornrows: A distinctive style of braiding where the hair sits close to the scalp. ...
Dreadlocks come in several different styles, but the two most common are free form and cultivated. Free-form dreadlocks grow naturally without you having to manipulate them in any way. To create free form dreadlocks, wash your hair, dry it in a circular manner, then separate the hair clusters...
Dreadlocks are one of the trendiest hairstyles in the world. However, keeping dreads looking good requires special care. You need to use the right type of shampoo to keep your dreads healthy and clean. There are a variety of shampoos on the market today. However, you need to choose only...
VKool editors share the top Health 'how to' tips and advice for getting better Health, treating and preventing diseases naturally
Plagiarism, or copying, is when you steal or "borrow" something from someone and claim it as your own creation (and naturally, it is illegal). Bases count as plagiarism, believe it or not! Even if you've made an OC, and it is originally yours you still have to think about plagiarism...
Coconut oil provides chemical-free, natural moisturizing. For head-to-toe softness, use it as a shaving cream, lotion, hair conditioner and lip exfoliator. Coconut oil can also be consumed. According to Dr. Oz, it controls weight and cholesterol and figh