Dreadfactory - Dreadlocks machen, häkeln, verlängern und verzieren 351 人观看 10:48 How to Make Dreadlocks: Fast locking, beautiful dreads Part 2 279 人观看 9:52 ДредыизБангкока 256 人观看 7:37 Самыймедленныйдредо-плет ) ...
At DreadHead HQ we eat, sleep and sport dreadlocks…we love'em and we want to spread the dread, letting people know just how much butt dreadlocks kick; as a hairstyle, as well as a lifestyle. We want people to know how enjoyable and rewarding it is to rock their own well maintained...
Yes, it is possible to get your locs retwisted by a hairstylist. If you don’t feel comfortable retwisting your dreadlocks at home, you canbook an appointmentwith a professional loctician, though it will be more expensive than retwisting them yourself....
Dreadlocks can be very helpful as a hairstyle since they typically need no complicated maintenance or care. However, those who are wearing dreads for the first time often wonder how to dry their dreads correctly. Today we will explain both how to dry dreads properly and how to dry dreads fas...
Need help to start your dreadlocks journey? Looking easy tips on how to grow healthy dreads with video tutorials. Or follow celebrities hairstyle?
How to Start Dreadlocks Developing dreadlocks requires the same basic preparation, whether you're paying a professional stylist or working on your own hair at home. The point of variation comes when it's time to separate and shape the locks. Depending on the preferences of your stylist and the...
Cover the head completely with mayonnaise to suffocate the lice.To make sure that none of the lice escape, place a shower cap or plastic bag over the scalp. Leave the mayonnaise in the hair for at least an hour or up to eight hours. ...
Want dreadlocks? Dreadlocks.com is here to make growing dreads easy in any hair type. We explain how to start and grow dreadlocks.
Tip:Make sure your locs are as hydrated as possible to avoid damage when twisting the hair. High-top dreadlocks High-top dreadlocks are a more modern way of styling your locs. This is when your locs are piled or sit on top of your head, while the sides (both or one side) are very...
If you have dreadlocks, you must know what to wash your locs with. This will help you keep your locs looking clean and healthy. If you are not careful, you may damage your locs. Luckily, there are ways to make washing your locks easy and enjoyable. Check out this YouTube video to le...