echo exe eval "ffprobe -v error -select_streams v -show_frames -print_format csv in.mp4 | perl -pe 's|frame,video,0,(.*?),.*?,(.*?),.*|\2 \1|' | perl -pe 's|(.*?) 1|\1\tKF|' | perl -pe 's|(.*?) 0|\1|' |grep -A 5 -B 5 --color $kf" echo echo Le...
osis() { local n=0 if [[ "$1" = "-n" ]]; then n=1;shift; fi # echo $OS|grep $1 -i >/dev/null uname -s |grep -i "$1" >/dev/null return $(( $n ^ $? )) } e.g. osis Darwin && { log_debug Detect mac osx } osis Linux && { log_debug Detect linux } osi...
If you don't know them you're the equivalent of someone who doesn't know grep ranting about how "Unix is like DOS". That might be painful to hear but it's true. select (also called select-object) - select the fields you want on an object get-member - show the properties and ...
cat /proc/asound/card0/codec* | grep Codec It will return model of your sound card(s), for example: "Codec: Realtek ALC260", so your sound card is ALC260. You should open a file in ALSA documentation. This file is here:
justlog run rcn rcn-work\\\* 'ps -ef -o lstart,cmd | grep [s]upervisor' lesslog run That's it, no ls ~/tmp, no tab completion games to find the file name. Just run lesslog (or viewlog if you like using vim to look at logs). But, wait! There's more! "I use grep ...
, so this may cause the downgrade scripts to fail. I don't even think this file is necessary for the downgrade. You can probably comment out that line inside the "createCustomIPSW64" function. If you insist on copying it, you need to copy the folder through the Mac terminal (== cmd...
(I did not have Percona 5.7 one at hand, but they hardly differs in such basic details) to find out what had changed in theTHDstructure so thatthread_idis not longer just a variable. I expect to see the structure defined insql/sql_class.hfrom the past, butgrepwill help to find this...
adb shell am get-current-user # returns USER_ID of the foreground user adb shell cmd activity get-current-user # alternative command Alternatively, do: adb shell 'dumpsys activity | grep mCurrentUser' You output would be: mCurrentUser=0 0 is always the user Id for the owner...
Can I show only hidden files in the command line? Yes, you can. On Windows, you can use the command dir /a:h to display only hidden files. On Unix-based systems, you may use ls -a | grep '^\.' to show only hidden files. ...
ifconfig | grep inet | head -1 | awk '{print $2}' On your Windows computer, in the taskbar search box, type cmd and then press Enter. This opens the Windows CLI. Using your Linux computer IP address, type ssh replacing the x's with your actual IP ...