36. winver---检查Windows版本 37. sfc /scannow---扫描错误并复原 38. taskmgr---任务管理器(2000/xp/2003 40. wmimgmt.msc---打开windows管理体系结构(WMI) 41. wupdmgr---windows更新程序 42. wscript---windows脚本宿主设置 43. write---写字板 45. wiaacmgr---扫描仪和照相机向导 46. winchat---...
The following result was obtained in the Windows command prompt: Execute the command "grep "abc" C:\Users\Admin.gitconfig" in the directory "C:\ Program Files (x86 )\Git\bin>". The provided output includes the email address abc.kumar@yahoo.com and the corresponding name, which is also ...
ipconfig (winipcfg) 用于windows NT及XP(windows 95 98)查看本地ip地址,ipconfig可用参数"/all"显示全部配置信息 tlist -t 以树行列表显示进程(为系统的附加工具,默认是没有安装的,在安装目录的Support/tools文件夹内) kill -F 进程名 加-F参数后强制结束某进程(为系统的附加工具,默认是没有安装的,在安装...
A dollar-sign ($) indicates the end of the line. The command: $grep 'b$' list displays any line in which "b" is the last character on the line. And the command: $grep '^b$' list displays any line inlistwhere "b" is theonlycharacter on the line. Within a regular expression, ...
As with every command prompt based tool in Windows, there are certain switches and parameters you will need to know in order to use the tools effectively. These are listed and explained below. /v – This switch will show any lines that don’t contain the string of words you specified. ...
when specifying an empty pattern "" to match all input, this may be ignored by some Windows command interpreters such as Powershell, in that case you must specify option --match instead; to match newlines in patterns, you may want to use \R instead of \n to match any Unicode newlines,...
This command may not work if file is created on Windows system. To remove blank lines from a file which is created on other systems except *nix, use'^[[:space:]]*$'regular expression. How to use multiple regular expressions with grep command ...
with grep command. For example, suppose you don't know which files in/etc/directory contain IP configuration or IP related settings. In this case, you can ask grep to search all files in/etc/directory for keyword"IP address"and print their names at command prompt with following command....
find and xargs utilities. These tools are present in most of the Unix installations. For MS-Windows systems, you can download the GNU grep and find utilities from the following sites:http://gnuwin32.sourceforge.net/packages/grep.htmhttp://gnuwin32.sourceforge.net/packages/findutils.htmUsage...
Click on the start button and runcmd.exe. If you are on Windows XP you may need to click onStart->Programs>Accessories->Command Prompt. This should bring up a black box. Typetelnet hit return. If you are on Windows 7 and you get an error abouttelnet is not recognized...