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As shown in the picture above to enable SSH for your Synology NAS go to Control Panel -> Terminal & SNMP -> Terminal Tab -> Check Enable SSH Service and enter a port. It is highly recommended to use a custom port and not standard 22 as you then will get a lot of brute force atte...
Preheat the ovento 200°C. Remove the skin from the chicken:If your chicken thighs have skin on them, then it’s easy to remove. Take hold of the skin at one end and gently, but firmly, pull it away from the flesh. You may need to use a knife to help it along. Cut the chick...
Jords_2point0 Seems like the database files are in read-only mode so sql get the DB as read-only I don't know the specifics for Linux but in the Windows Server world this could be that the SQL Service account does not have the proper rights on the ...
While not at the same time I was fit for every club in my bag as well as the Pro VI ball. I use the chrome soft x ls on my league course. It has much softer softer greens than the club that I belong to. I’m on a mission to shoot my age - lifetime lowest round is 6...
How did we get here? Let's recap. Shit Memes Driving your big, black shiny car through the archives for the rarest of Shannon Noll memes, all dusty rural roads seem to lead toShit Memes. The Facebook page is more well-known for their pre-occupation with Guy Sebastian, but Noll is no...
Walking and cycling to school provide a convenient opportunity to incorporate physical activity into an adolescent's daily routine. School proximity to residential homes has been identified as an important determinant of active commuting among children.
I've tried your suggested workaround @amrita-syn but impossible to get it to work. Table borders continue being displayed int he usual grey. My requirement is to have a 2 column table with text on the left and an image on the right. Thanks aryarm added a commit to aryarm/aryarm that...
who generously provided summer studentships for trainees (Liam Swain (LS), Kevin Paul (KP) and Kate Aspinall). Our gratitude to Cheryl Moser (CM) for full-text screening contributions. We owe a debt of gratitude to our colleagues in the IKTRN and extend our thanks to the members of the ...
Efforts to quantify partnership outcomes and impacts have increased rapidly since the early 1990s, propelled by demands to quantify tangible returns arising from the investment of public funds, in health and other research domains [1,2]. However, accurate, consistent measurement of health research par...